The Delighted Lil Ai, Debt of Destiny, Human Race Election

The Wisdom Leaderboard appeared, and the first place was the Omniscient Spirit.

Many ancient Monarchs had not heard of the name before.

Then, the fortune energy from the leaderboard scattered away to the respective owners. 

The largest portion of the fortune energy attracted the most attention because everyone wanted to know who the Omniscient Spirit was. 

They watched as the largest portion of the fortune energy flowed toward the Pan Gu Sect!

Everyone, including the cultivators of the Pan Gu Sect, was surprised.

Was the Omniscient Spirit in the Pan Gu Sect?

Since when did the Pan Gu Sect have someone called the Omniscient Spirit?

Following that, a large amount of fortune energy flowed into Chu Kuangren, adding to his already large pool of fortune energy. 

Everyone was shocked to find out that Chu Kuangren was the Omniscient Spirit and that he ranked first on the Wisdom Leaderboard.