Wreck the Void Prison, Slap Black Rage, Save Yang Mei

Chu Kuangren broke into the Void Prison and released the prisoners on the first level.

All the prisoners were delighted.

They had no idea who Chu Kuangren was, but they knew they were finally free from the restraints. 

They had regained their power and freedom.

"The Spatial Tribe restrained your bodies and sealed your powers, but they can never hold down your free soul! Do you want to stay here and rot or regain your freedom to fight to the end? Make your choice!"

Chu Kuangren's voice echoed across the prison.

Many prisoners who had been locked up for countless years were inspired by his motivational speech. They were aroused and thirsty for revenge.


"We want freedom!"

"We're born in a free body! Why must we be trapped here?"

"Spatial Tribe, you can never hold me down!"

The speech caused an uproar among the freed prisoners.