Slaughter Kingdom, Kingdom's Union Through Marriage? Old Fool?

Chu Kuangren followed Liu Tianxue to a palace in the Slaughter Kingdom.

Inside the palace, he saw the current King of the Kingdom — a white-haired elderly man who looked like he was on his dying breath. 

With just one glance, Chu Kuangren knew that the man was at the final stage of Heavenly Deterioration.

He would die soon.


Liu Tianxue bowed and fist-saluted her King while Chu Kuangren stood proud and simply nodded with a calm look on his face.

His nonchalance angered some of the people in the hall.

A young but buff man stood up and shouted, "Audacious! Why aren't you on your knees before the King? Men, take him down!"

Before the soldiers moved out, the King bellowed, "Halt!" 

He coughed and continued feebly, "Monarch Chu is an important guest of our kingdom. No one shall disrespect him."

The Slaughter Kingdom might not be part of the world, but they were forced to reveal themselves due to the final era.