Shen Qixue's Location, Tempest King And The Others Arrive

God May Cry Domain was one of the major domains in the Great Hongmeng Universe.

At the same time, it was also one of the oldest battlefields for the Infinity War. The rage qi in the area was so dense that it even affected Monarchs.

Therefore, the entire domain was listed as a forbidden land.

On that particular day, a number of cultivators ventured into the God May Cry Domain.

The cultivators were from different tribes, and they ventured into the forbidden land, looking for something. 

"No! I can't take it anymore!" 

A cultivator collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

The aura around him was fighting the rage qi and murderous qi in the area.

"The rage qi in the area is too strong. If we stay for too long, we might be in danger. We have to leave."

"But we haven't located our target."