The largest human trafficking leader in the vinti system

Link quickly recovered from the effects of the [ modification ].

This trip to Carina's Castle had been fruitful. Not only did he obtain legendary materials, but King Kong had also taken the most difficult step and advanced to legendary. At the same time, he had also obtained a modified legendary weapon.

"Right, let's take a look at the mission."

Link was so engrossed in looking at the equipment and stats that he had almost forgotten the main purpose of his trip to the castle.

When he entered the [ Mission ] page, he was shocked to find that Victoria's a-rank mission, [ he came from the distorted void ], was incomplete!

Logically speaking, be it the great demon, Julian, or Blood God Zuhair, he had already eliminated and driven Victoria out. Why was there no news about the mission?

Link studied it for a long time. It didn't look like the system was stuck.

"That should be because the mission was not completed."