Children, attack!

"Head of state, we are about to arrive at the Lost Planet. Should we stop the enemy from above and complete the scan before going down?" Helen handed over the control of the drone to ya Jiko and began to control the spacecraft to enter the low-Earth orbit above the target planet.

Link waved his hand and pointed at a large crater on the planet. "Do you see this crater? order all weapons to open fire and crash into it."

Helen took off her holographic helmet in a hurry and said in shock, " "We'll crash into them directly?"

Everyone open fire to attack a crater. Helen couldn't understand what was going on.

Furthermore, the pirate ship would have to crash into it and accelerate all the way down from the periapsis. The Lost Planet did not have an atmosphere, so there was no friction or resistance. The acceleration would only be more exaggerated. At this speed, there was no other possibility than being destroyed.

"Yes, we'll crash into them directly."