Top-tier opponent

Yegash not only had great power, but he also had many killing techniques.

In his previous life, he was called the "killing machine" by the players.

He had a bad reputation.

In [ vinti's fate: womil ], he was the one who stopped the players the most and posed the biggest challenge to the players.

Powerful strength, destructive power, endless killing techniques, bloodthirst ability, attack and HP recovery.Berserk and armor breaking were his specialties. Single target damage, group AoE, none of them were lacking.

tank killer, healer killer, fragile killer, just kill them all!

In the subsequent official data of the instance, it could be seen that the number of players killed by yegash was more than ten times that of the other bosses. The players even joked that " the number of players killed by yegash every week could circle the earth five times.

Link's eyes were fixed on yegash's skill.

He suddenly laughed.