We don't produce missions, we're only porters

! [ win a double, money earned is simple and straightforward, intelligence stolen can be returned, win a draw and get the middle, will be protected by the Golden umbrella and return to work ]

。the work of transportation is only for us, but the work will not produce us.

。The more people entrusted him with tasks, the more talented he was, and the more people he let go of, the more he would be able to cooperate.

。together, he, krelin, and stinba were eliminated.

。the advancing ginji elvis luo solved the phase change, and the moving group of mercenaries solved the phase change. the group of mercenaries and the house and house players formed an ankelin line. Stinba, a mercenary from the management office, went to search for suo Xian five, who was in charge of the meeting. After that, he returned to Ginji vesro and said yes.

。ginkilvesro, who was in the alliance with the current mercenary stinba, had been investigated and was already in his place.