The Tenth Human Skin

Jia Sidao's shout exploded in the alleyway like fireworks, silencing the noisy crowd right away.

It became so quiet that one could hear a needle falling on the ground.

After all, the scholars were a group of people who were sensitive towards rumors and news.

In that instant, the quiet alleyway exploded with clamor as if the storm had finally dawned upon them.

"What? What did he say? Young Lord 'Long Hoe' stole his invitation?"

"Hmm, now that he mentioned it, Master Hu's literature gathering never invited Young Lord 'Long Hoe'. Could he have stolen this guy's invitation?"

"Invitation thief! How dare you insult the gentlemen here by doing such a shameful act? What are you trying to do, 'Long Hoe'?!"

The uproar grew louder and messier as the scholars discussed the claims. The mouth of a scholar was as sharp as a knife that killed.

Jia Sidao was over the moon when he heard the other scholars criticizing Luo Hong. He ran to Luo Hong like a hungry wolf leaping to its prey with the intention of fighting the man and shaming him in front of the scholars.

Luo Hong also did not expect Jia Sidao to ambush him at the theatre, but after what happened in the Heiyun Stockade, Luo Hong was no longer the man he was before.

He raised a brow at the situation. 'Is this b*stard trying to ruin my reputation?'

"Do you think I care about my reputation?" Luo Hong said with tightened lips. He did not waste his yin energy summoning Di Shan's shadow. All he did was gather the sword qi that circulated his meridians on his hand.

As the sword qi went down his hand, the yang energy in him grew stronger, giving him a dazzling glow as if he was a walking sun. The powerful sword qi caused his white robes to flutter and blew the pebbles and dust away from him.

Luo Hong lifted his leg and landed a kick on Jia Sidao's stomach. The tremendous force threw Jia Sidao off his balance and sent him flying backward by several meters.

Jia Sidao was shocked to his core as he did not expect Luo Hong to attack him straight up since it would taint his image.

Luo Hong simply tossed the sword qi out of his hand.


The sword qi exploded right in front of Jia Sidao, creating a hole on the ground. The debris that burst out from the hole cut his face after he fell, causing him to bleed ceaselessly.

The alleyway turned silent again as if everyone was frozen. The scholars, who were waiting for a show and were ready to gang up against Luo Hong to morally diminish him, were shut up.

Some of them were already shaking. They finally remembered that Luo Hong was the person who had wiped out Heiyun County with a single blow. He was a ruthless person who killed bandits!

Even though he looked like a gentleman, Luo Hong's sword was already tainted with blood.

Everyone was silenced.

Jia Sidao looked pale and shaken. If the sword qi landed on his head, his head would have burst like a watermelon and might cost him his life.

"So what if I took your invitation?" Luo Hong glanced at Jia Sidao. He remembered the perverted scholar who had ruined his plan, so he spared the b*stard the courtesy.

It was a pity that Luo Hong had not written Jia Sidao's name into the manual. Otherwise, he would have earned a ton of Sin Levels.

"Jia Sidao? I know him! He's that rascal who harassed a girl in broad daylight!"

"He only got a xiucai title after studying for 10 years. What a shame!"

"Young Lord Luo Hong was correct. He isn't qualified to join the gathering! He's an insult to literature!"

Luo Hong's fast and furious reaction made the crowd turn their criticism to Jia Sidao, and everyone started to verbally attack the guy instead.

Luo Hong glanced at the so-called scholars and shook his head.

'Hmph, these scholars…'

In the VIP room on the third floor of Qinghua Theatre, the room was filled with an aromatic fragrance. The thin silk curtain was waving along with the breeze.

The strings of the guzheng were plucked softly along with the melody, accompanied by a voice that sang like a nightingale. It was melodious to the ears.

The woman playing the guzheng was as beautiful as a painting. Her soft movements and slender body moved in a seductive way as she pulled the strings with her alluring and captivating eyes.

Further away on the bamboo mat on the ground, a figure slouched to the side with his face propped on his hand. Beside the bamboo mat was all kinds of fruits, freshly plucked and cleaned for tasting.

The person listened to the song as he admired the woman who sang it. It was indeed an extravagant lifestyle.

Outside the door, the procuress who dressed beautifully said, "Master Hu, the scholars are all here, waiting for you to start the gathering.

The procuress was pleased because she earned a lot when Master Hu bought out the entire theatre, and it was also a boon to Qinghua Theatre's reputation.

"I understand." The voice came from behind the silky curtain.

Through the paper window, the procuress saw Master Hu got to the woman playing the guzheng and hugged her.

The veteran procuress smiled in a meaningful way before she left.

Little did she realize that when she turned around, the sound of the guzheng stopped.

Scarlet red blood spewed like a fountain and dyed the paper window red. The noise of broken strings was accompanied by an irritating and eerie noise of skin being ripped apart. The noise echoed and lingered within the silky curtain.

"The tenth human skin…I have nine more to go." A rather honest giggle sounded.


The door opened. A fat, old man with an honest look and fair skin walked out as he wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

"I can stop after this gathering. I shouldn't be in this little county anymore once I attain the Bronze Amulet. I should make my way to Jiangling. So, why don't I do something big this time?"


The old man squinted his eyes and shook his hand all of a sudden, slipping a Black Iron Amulet out of his sleeve.

The Black Iron Amulet was still buzzing in his hand.

The smile on his face grew wider.

Beautiful women gathered in groups within Qinghua Theatre. They were like butterflies that danced in among the flowers as they moved around the customers.

Luo Hong was bedazzled when he entered the theatre. Even after having gone through a previous life, it was his first time in such a 'colorful' place.

The tables were all set up with all kinds of tasty dishes on them. Silks were hanging from the ceiling while goat pelts from Husai were laid on the ground, and bright and extravagant lanterns were hung on the beams.

Many women with makeup were sitting at the tables near the center, smiling, chatting, and drinking with the customers.

Luo Hong's furious arrival at the theatre shocked many of the scholars who gaped at him with reverence.

Luo Hong calmed himself down and feigned a mature look. He followed the number on the invitation and went to a table at the corner.

The scholars who were already there were smiling in an awkward manner because the table was at the far most corner, and not a single woman was there to accompany them. They were just drinking on their own, which made the situation a little awkward.

They thought they could talk with Luo Hong, but after what happened at the entrance, the young lord, who was known for his elegance and easy-going personality, might not be as easy-going as they thought.

Luo Hong was happy though. He came to the gathering with the intention to ruin it, and it seemed like it was working.

He sat down but was not interested in talking to the others, so he grabbed his chopsticks and started eating.

Since the table was further away from the center, they were not qualified to have free meals, which was a pity.

A few drinks later, the gathering slowly moved to the climax.

Some of the restless scholars were already reciting the poems that they had prepared for this event.

The women were also knowledgeable. They praised and cheered for the scholars, making them happy.

Maybe this was the reason why Qinghua Theatre was the place that all men in Anping County admired.

When the gathering reached its climax, most of the scholars got up.

"Master Hu!"

"It's been years since we last met. You look even younger than before!"

"Master Hu must be a happy man."

The scholars flattered Master Hu as he walked down. The crowd got so excited that the loud noise almost blasted the roof away.

Master Hu came down with his walking stick. His round and honest face was full of smiles as he greeted the crowd. However, he was captivated by Luo Hong's presence at the far end.


Master Hu smiled. In his eyes, Luo Hong's yang energy was bold and pronounced, which was a sign of a Ruisim cultivator.

"A Ruism cultivator?" The smile on his face grew wider but his gaze was sharp and cold.

On the other hand, Luo Hong, who was stuffing food into his mouth, was also shocked. 

'Is he on to me?'

The Black Iron Amulet in his pocket was buzzing strongly!

Surprised, he turned to the honest-looking man, Hu Zhishui, who also smiled at Luo Hong.

  1. a scholar who has passed the entry-level examination to study at a college