Chapter 8...... What Happened?

'Damn it, what am I going to do?' Naruto though as he seems to be squish in two weird soft… pillows? Breast? Muscle? Throat? Yeah that's it; Naruto is being squish inside a throat, why you ask… BECAUSE HE BEEN SWALLOW BY A SNAKE!

Sasuke jumped back as kunais got stuck on a tree, he turns to Sakura who seem to be terrified. 'Damn it, she's still terrified!' Sasuke thought as he kept jumping back.

"Mh, that girl is more… vulnerable!" a guy said as he grabbed a sword and charged at Sakura.

"No!" Sasuke yelled as he ran at Sakura, Sakura could only watch as the weird guy ran towards her.

'This is ridiculous!' Naruto thought as he made a hand sign.

Sakura still watched in fear. 'How…' She thought.

'How…' Sasuke thought.

'How…' Naruto thought.

'How did this happen?' they asked.

Now, to answer their question and yours, we're going back four hours back to the start of the first exam.

"… BEGIN!" Ibiki said as everyone immediately started writing.

Sakura was writing and answering the question as if it was third-grade stuff. Due to curiosity, she slowly looked at Naruto and was surprised to see him writing and he seem like he wasn't going to stop writing to think.

Sasuke looked around and whispered: "Sharingan." his doujutsu activated, he looked at the peoples who were writing the answer and copied them due to their pencil movement.

Everything seemed just fine until…

"Hey! What are you doing!" everyone turned to see a man being lifted by an instructor.

"I saw you cheating more than ten times, which is surprising, I mean, the exam basically just started." the man said and started to drag the guy away before he left the door, he turned. "Anyone who is teammates with this guy is also eliminated." he said.

The other two members stood and started grumbling about 'cheating idiots' and 'gonna kill him' and 'unfair tests'.

Ibiki grinned. "I hope that was a little preview on what would happen if you cheat, you know, for those that were already cheating." Ibiki said, no one was writing except Naruto, Ibiki turned to him. "Hey! Yellow haired brat!" he called.

Naruto stopped, knowing that he meant him. "What?" Naruto asked.

Ibiki walked as close as he can. "What are you doing?" he asked.

Naruto shrugged his shoulder. "Writing." he replied.

Everyone who knew Naruto had a shock face.'NARUTO CAN WRITE!' they all thought.

Naruto looked around and saw the shock faces of everyone he knew. 'Why do they need to hurt me?' He thought.

"So… you can you can write while I'm talking eh?" Ibiki asked.

Naruto shrugged again. "It fairly easy, I just ignore you and write." Naruto said.

Everyone who knew Ibiki had a scared face, afraid of why they might see.

Ibiki only smirked. "I like you kid, not being afraid of facing anyone." he said, Naruto smiled. "But be careful who you do that with, and don't let your fearlessness get to your head, you might end up dead because of it." Ibiki said as he stepped back.

Naruto once again shrugged his shoulder and everyone went back to writing in their own test.

After fifty nine minutes of writing and half of the room gone, Ibiki told everyone to stop.

"Why are we stopping?" Sakura asked.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD TALK!" Ibiki asked.

"No." Sakura answered.

"THEN SIT DOWN AND SPEAK WHEN SPOKEN TO!" He yelled as Sakura quickly sat down.

Naruto raised an eyebrow then smirked. 'Maybe I should try that with her and have my ways with her…'He thought with a sinister laugh before he suddenly stopped. 'Did I just become a pervert for a second?'he asked himself.

"Ok, I bet you guys are wondering why I stopped you guys." Ibiki said.

Sakura raised her hand; Ibiki gave her a look that immediately got her hand down.

"Ok, I'm going to give you the final question, now about the final question, I might have told maybe I didn't but I will still tell you because I love to see your reaction…" Ibiki said everyone sweat dropped. "Ok, about the final question… you only got one chance to take it, if you answer wrong, you'll automatically fail the quiz…" he said, Naruto's eyes widen. "If you want, you can leave and not take it, either way, you fail this question or leave your chance of becoming a chunin will fail right there and then… I would choose carefully if I were you." je finished.

Like magic, a huge amount of people stood and left. Naruto watched in surprised as they all left, disappointed in themselves.

He looked at Sakura who seem to be struggling to calm down.

Naruto turned to Sasuke who seem desperate to get this over with.

Naruto started thinking.

Ibiki looked at everyone. "Is that it?" he asked before he saw a hand raised, they all turned to Naruto.

Everyone seems to have a surprised face but got more surprised when Naruto slammed his hand to the desk. "Don't underestimate me! In fact, don't underestimate any of us! My team won't fail, I won't fail, not one of my friend will fail, so go ahead, throw the question at us! We'll pass!" Naruto said.

Ibiki smirked. "You're sure kid? If you fail, you'll remain a genin forever." he said.

"I don't care!" Naruto said. "I'll still take the question." he said.

"Mh…" Ibiki looked around, everyone was pretty much smirking. 'Everyone's worries are gone, that little brat speech encouraged them.' Ibiki said in surprise.

Naruto looked at Sakura who seemed relieved.'Great, it worked.' He thought.

"Ok, since that all the people that wanted to quit… you all passed!" Ibiki said.

Everyone got a confused expression; Kiba was the first to recover from it.

"Wait a minute! What about the final question!" he asked.

"There never was a final question, unless choosing to stay or not is the final question." Ibiki said.

"Then wait! What about the other nine questions?" Sakura asked.

"Oh those, they were to test your information gathering skills, the question was ones that genin would not know unless they were total bookworms." Ibiki said with a laugh.

Sakura laughed nervously due to Naruto and Sasuke turning their eyes on her.

"I set two chuunins who knew all the answers and see how good you are gathering information. That was the true purpose of the other nine questions." Ibiki finished.

Sakura had swirly eyes. 'But, if the test was to find out how good you are in gathering information, then… how good am I, am I even useful?' She thought.

Naruto sighed. 'Great, Sakura-Chan is freaking out again.' Naruto thought.

"But wait, I still don't understand the final question." Temari said.

Ibiki grinned. "The final question… a 'take it' or 'leave it' one… there will be time when you are a chuunin and you will be given a difficult mission, you would want to turn around and leave… but you can't!" Ibiki yelled. "No matter what the danger is, dangerous traps, a huge numbers of guards, trying to steal a secret document… there are missions you can't avoid, to be a chuunin captain, you have to be courageous and be able to deal with any hardship." Ibiki finished.

Naruto smirked. 'I know I'm courageous enough, but to survive anything… probably.' Naruto thought.

"Now…" Ibiki was saying until suddenly.

Several kunai got stuck on the walls and ceiling while a mysterious person flew by.


Naruto looked away. 'Maybe if I don't look at her… she won't notice me.' he thought he turns back to Anko only to see her breast. "Ahh!" Naruto fell.

"Naruto-kun! Are you ok?" Haku asked.

Naruto stood while laughing nervously. "Hey Anko, good to see you again." Naruto said.

'Again?' was the mutual thought around the room.

"Hi Naruto… so you entered this exam?" Anko asked, Naruto nodded. "Great! I'm going to enjoy this." she said with an evil grin, Naruto sunk lower to his sit.

'Just great, just what I needed.' Naruto thought.

"Alright, the rest of you maggots…" Anko said.

"Stop calling us maggots." a random person whispered.

"Follow me, the second exam starts now." she said.

Naruto raised his hand. "Can we take a break? All this thinking hurt my head." Naruto said.

Anko thought for a while. "Ok sure, everyone can take a break… except you Naruto." she said with a sinister smile.

"Disregard what I said!" Naruto said quickly.

"Awww." everyone who was about to leave said.

After a couple of minutes, they came to the entrance to a forest.

"Welcome to training ground 44, also known as, the forest of death." Anko said.

"Why do they call it the forest of death?" Sakura asked.

"You'll find out soon enough little girl." Anko said all mysteriously-like.

"Ha! 'you'll find out soon enough' I'm not afraid! Not even Sakura-Chan, right?" Naruto asked Sakura.

"Actually, I'm a little afraid." Sakura said.

"Wimp." Sasuke said.

Anko smirked at Naruto. "Really, you're not afraid?" she asked. "We'll see…" she said.

She took out some paper.

"Now, I'll have you sign this paper." she said.

"Why?' Naruto asked.

"Because, some of you will die in here, this is so that I won't be responsible for it." she said.

Naruto sighed. "Of course." he grabbed one and signed it, along with Sasuke and Sakura.

"About the second exam, it likes a survival one. You will have a no rule scroll battle." Anko said.

"Scrolls?" Sasuke asked.

"That's right, you will get one the two scrolls, the 'heaven' scroll or the 'earth' scroll, whichever you get, you will fight for the other one." Anko looked around. "There are 79 of you so they will be 28 teams, now the half of you will receive the 'heaven' scroll while the other half will receive the 'earth' scroll." she said. "To pass, you'll need both scroll and make it to the tower… alive… they will also be a time limit, exactly five days to complete this."

"Wait, five days!" Ino asked incredibly.

"Won't we get things to eat!" Choji asked.

"Hey, don't complain to me, the forest is full of food…" Anko said, Choji's eyes beamed. "Just be careful for man-eating animals, poisonous insects, poisonous plants, poisonous…" Anko said.

"Ok, we get it!" Naruto interrupted, faster than anyone could see, Anko threw a kunai and it grazed Naruto's cheek.

Everyone literally jumped as Anko appeared behind Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, I'm still incredibly pissed at you, so I wouldn't make myself more madder than I am right now." Anko said as she licked Naruto's blood.

"Got it." he said as a shiver went through his spine.

"Now, about the rules, there's not a lot, but they're really important… first of all, you need to make it to the tower with both scrolls and one time, second of all, your teammates cannot die, if they do, you're out, you also cannot quit in the middle of the test, like you didn't knew that…" she said with a chuckle. "And the most important rule, do not look inside the scroll until you make it to the tower." she said.

"What happens if you do?" Naruto asked, Anko turned to him. Naruto quickly, out of reflexes, hid behind Sakura.

Anko smiled at him. "That's a surprise for those who do." she said, Naruto slowly got out from Sakura before dodging a kunai. "Don't question me!"

"Ok!" Naruto hid behind her again.

'What does she got against Naruto-kun?' Sakura thought.

"Ok! You will exchange your forms for your scroll, each team gets one, after you do, choose a gate to go through." she said. "Oh and Naruto-kun…" she said, Naruto turned to him, she turns to him with a sinister smile. "Don't die, I got a torture session just for you." she said.

"Right!" Naruto said then smirked. "I'm not planning to die anyway." he said.

"Time to exchange your forms for scrolls!" a man said as the team starting to walk away.

"Yo Naruto…" Naruto turned to Sasuke. "What's up with the crazy lady?' he asked before Naruto covered his mouth.

"Doesn't, she might hear you." he said.

Sasuke sweat dropped. 'What a scaredy-cat.' He thought.

"Everyone, choose a gate! The test will start in thirty minutes!" she said.

Everyone did what they were told as a guy unlocked the gates and stepped aside.

"Now! Second exam begin!" Anko yelled.

Everyone pretty much rocketed out of the gate except Naruto's team who walked out calmly.

"Ok, plan, find someone, kick their ass and get the scroll!" Naruto said.

"That's pretty much what we got to do you idiot." Sasuke said.

Naruto nodded as they continue to walk.

Soon, they heard someone scream. They turned to that direction.

"Was that… a human scream?" Sakura asked.

"Don't worry Sakura-Chan, everything will be ok." Naruto said, he suddenly sweat dropped and ran to a tree. "I got to pee." he said as he unzips his pants.

"Naruto! Don't do that in front of a lady!" Sakura said.

"Huh? You're a ninja, you can handle it." Naruto said.

"Yeah but…" Sakura turned and after thirty seconds or so Naruto zip it back.

"Ah, much better." he said.

Sakura punched him. "Dumbass!" she yelled.

"Ow…" Naruto rubbed his head, he suddenly ran and tackles Sasuke before some kunais and shurikens hit a tree, then Naruto threw some shurikens at Sakura.

Sakura shield herself before Naruto's shurikens clash with others shurikens and kunai.

"Alright, show yourself you coward! What, you afraid of a bunch of twelve-years-olds!" Naruto asked.

A weird man showed up, he sighed. "Unluckily, you found me, but it doesn't mean I'll go easy on you." he said as he charged at them.

Naruto and Sasuke made hand sign.

"FIRE STYLE: PHOENIX FLOWER JUTSU!" he shot multiples small fireballs.

"WIND STYLE: AIR BULLET!" he blew air compressed balls.

The man dodged them. "Hehe, luckily you guys aiming sucks."

"Oh yeah!" Naruto said. "Sasuke." Sasuke nodded as they both made hand sign. "WIND STYLE NINJA ART: DIVINE WIND!"

"FIRE STYLE NINJA ART: FIRE RUN!" Sasuke yelled as they made a fire tornado around the guy.

They waited for a while.

The man jumped back. "How unlucky, I'll need to retreat for now, but I'll be back, you can count of it!" the man said as he left.

"Damn! Coward, running away like that." Naruto said.

"Mh, nice one, didn't saw him."

Sakura finally release a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Kami that was a close one, why couldn't you warn me next time Naruto." Sakura said.

Naruto rubbed his head. "Sorry, didn't have time." Naruto said.

Suddenly another poof of smoke appeared to reveal some sound nin.

"You guys play over there, I'll take care of them." the middle man said as they both vanished.

Sasuke was hiding. "Sasuke!" Sasuke turned around to her.

"Oh Sakura, it's just you." he said. "Wait, how do I know you're Sakura?" Sasuke asked.

"You want to get revenge with someone, you don't like anything, you hate everything and you're an emo dark haired freak!" Sakura said quickly.

"Correct… hey!" Sasuke said.

Naruto appeared. "Boy was that as close one." he said.

"Halt! How do I know your Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

"You want revenge with someone, you hate everything, and you're an emo duck-haired freak!" Naruto said quickly.

"Why does everyone think like that!" Sasuke asked. "Beside, Sakura already said that, you could've eavesdrop." Sasuke said.

"You're going out with Ino." Naruto said.

Sasuke lower his weapon. "Good… wait, Naruto never knew that, prove it!" he said.

"Because I was the one who strip you and Ino and brought her to your bed!" Naruto said.

Sasuke then grabbed Naruto's shirt. "You did! Dude, Ino saw my…" Sasuke said.

"Saw you're what?" Sakura interrupted.

Sasuke turned to Sakura and laughed nervously. "Uh… nothing Sakura-Chan." he said.

"Oh, you added the –Chan suffix, I'm telling Ino!" Naruto said.

"You better not because if you do, I'm…" he was saying.

"Guys! There's no time to play around!" Sakura said.

"I agree." someone said, Sakura froze and slowly turned to see the man that from before.

A snake appeared and attacked them both they jumped away.

"Damn! That snake is huge!" Naruto said before he felt constricted. He looked under to see scale and quickly knew that was the snake.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled.

"Naruto! Get out!" Sasuke yelled.

The snake opened his mouth.

"Oh no, you better not…" but it was too late as the snake swallow Naruto.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled on top of her lungs as they snake quickly slithered away. "Get back here!" she yelled as she ran towards the snake before Sasuke grabbed her and jumped back before kunai hit the ground with explosive tags and they exploded. "No! Naruto!" but he was already gone, she sunk to her knee. 'This can't be happening!' she thought as she started to tear up.

"Sakura, don't worry, if I know Naruto and I do, he'll figure out a way to get out." Sasuke said.

But Sakura didn't listen; she just watched where the snake disappeared to.

Naruto was squirming inside the snake throat. "Damn it! Let me out you bastard! Let… me… OUT!" Naruto yelled while stabbing the snake inside with a kunai. "Damn it, no good, ok think, what should I do?" he asked himself.

"So…" the man said. "You want to have my scroll… the 'earth' scroll?" he asked as he grabbed it and swallow it whole.

Sasuke's and Sakura's eyes widen the more they see the scroll go deeper in his throat.

"Now…" he man said as he looked at them. "Let's start our battle." he said.

Sasuke and Sakura had vision of their death, their cruel unfaithful death; they slowly sunk to their knees.

'What… what was that?' Sasuke asked himself.

He grabbed a kunai. 'Damn it, I can barely move.' he said, he watched as the guy grabbed some kunais.

"Don't worry, your suffering will end soon." the man said.

'No! It won't… end… HERE!' the man threw the kunai as Sasuke stabbed himself and quickly grabbed Sakura and jumped away.

They landed on a tree branch.

Sakura seem to still be terrified. "Sakura, come on, snapped out of it." Sasuke said.

Sakura was still shaking.

Sasuke sighed. 'No used, seeing her precious Naruto-kun eaten and seeing her death… it was obvious that this was going to happen… but why now at a time like this?' Sasuke thought as he looked around, he grabbed Sakura and started to jump down to another clearing. 'He shouldn't find us here…' Sasuke thought.

"There you are…" a man said.

'Oh come on!' Sasuke thought as he turned to the man.

The man started throwing multiples kunais at Sasuke as he dodges and blocked them.

'This guy is pretty good.' the man thought.

Sasuke dodged another kunai as he looked at Sakura who still seemed to be terrified. 'Damn it, she's still terrified!' Sasuke thought.

The man turned to Sakura. "Mh, that girl is more… vulnerable!" the man as he grabbed a sword and charged at her.

"NO!" Sasuke yelled as he ran towards him.

Sakura could only watch as the man got closer to her but Sasuke seem too far to save her.

'Ok, that's it, this is ridiculous.' Naruto thought as he made hand sign.

'How…' Sasuke thought.

'How…' Sakura thought

'How…' Naruto thought.

'How did this happen!' all three asked.

"MULTI SHADOW CLONE JUTSU!" Naruto yelled as the snake exploded and Naruto's went flying everywhere.

The guy got close to Sakura before Sasuke heard metal piercing skin and his eyes widen.

Sakura's eyes widen.

The man stabbed Naruto but for some reason he is upside down.

Sakura started to tear up again before that Naruto poof.

Sasuke and Sakura blinked.

"Hey you freak!" the man looked up to see Naruto with a serious face and arm crossed. "I would advise you to leave my teammates alone, unless you want to die." Naruto said.

"Naruto?" Sakura asked. "Naruto! You're alive!" Sakura said as a huge burden got lifted from her shoulder.

Naruto smirked. "There's no way in hell would I let a damn snake kill me." Naruto said as he jumped down.

"Mh, that brat… guess I'll take care of you." he said as lunged at Naruto.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto stood there before at the last second where Naruto leaned back, dodging the man slash, Naruto kicked the man's stomach as he jumped towards him.

Naruto went for a punch but the man dodged it and kicked Naruto twice before giving Naruto a back handed fist, throwing him to the ground.

Naruto did a back flip before landing on his leg, making the ground crack slightly under him then jumped towards the man.

'What is Naruto doing? He's going to get himself killed!'Sasuke thought.

Naruto and the man exchange fist for a brief moment before the man punched Naruto's face and Naruto crashed to a tree.

'Damn, this man is stronger than I expected.' Naruto thought.

"FIRESTYLE: FIREBALL JUTSU!" Sasuke shot a big fireball towards the man who dodged it easily.

"Argh! WIND STYLE: AIR BULLET!" Naruto shot an air compressed ball at the man but he still dodged it. "The hell is with his guy, dodging out attack constantly!" Naruto said.

"Hello." Sasuke and Naruto turned to see the man holding Sakura while holding a kunai to her neck.

From the look of Sakura's face, you can tell she's even more terrified than before.

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

Naruto glared at him. 'Sakura-Chan' "You scum! What kind of a man takes a girl hostage! That's just a cowardly move!" Naruto yelled.

"Oh really?" the man moved the kunai closer to her, now touching her neck. "What will you do now, you move me, the kunai moves and she dies." he says.

Naruto was glaring holes at the man; his eyes kept flickering from red and blue before it stopped to crimson red. "You… YOU BASTARD!" he suddenly vanished and a hand appeared at the man's arm.

Nobody saw that coming, Sakura blinked and turned to Naruto, she gasped as she noticed his red eyes.

'Wha… what happened to Naruto's perfect blue orbs?'Sakura asked.

"Unhand her now, unless you want to lose an arm." Naruto said with more of a growl in his voice.

The man eyes widen. 'This brat is…' he let go of Sakura and jumped away.

"You're not getting away!" Naruto jumped towards him.

"Naruto wait!" Sasuke yelled but it was too late.

Naruto landed on a branch before he felt a gust of wind, he looks up to see the man on a giant snake.

"What the…"

"Brat… your very interesting." the man said as the snake lunged towards him.

Naruto dodged it. "You ass!" he started punching the snake repeatedly, but had no effect whatsoever.

"Dumb brat." the man said as the snake hit Naruto with his tail.

Naruto crashed into a tree but quickly recovers and charged at the snake and continue to punch it. "You'll pay for what you did!"

'What's wrong with Naruto-kun? Why is he going berserk?' Sakura asked.

Naruto suddenly stopped as the man constricted him with his incredibly long tongue.

"Aw sick! Let me go! That's disgusting!..." Naruto started yelling on how gross his tongue is.

"Brat, you must be taken care of… your becoming a nuisance." the man said as purple flames came from each of his fingers, he lifted Naruto's shirt with his tongue.

"Ah, ew! Your tongue is touching skin! It touching skin!" Naruto yelled.

"Five pronged seal!" the man hit Naruto on the stomach.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled

Naruto stayed like that for a while before he fell unconscious.

"There it goes, finally, he became a huge nuisance." the man threw Naruto to the floor where he hit the ground with a loud crack.

"Naruto!" Sakura ran towards him. "Naruto! Naruto! Naruto, wake up!" Sakura yelled but Naruto didn't react. "Naruto… no…" she tears up again.

"Damn it." Sasuke glared at the man. "You'll pay for that!" he activated his sharingan before he threw some kunais and shurikens.

The man dodged them all. "Weak!" he said before he saw something shine in midair. 'String!' he thought before he got pulled to a tree.

Sasuke made quick hand sign. "FIRESTYLE: DRAGON FLAME JUTSU!" he yelled.

A dragon shaped fire consumed the man.

Sasuke stood there victoriously as he jumped towards Sakura. "Is Naruto ok?" he asked.

Sakura shook her head. "He won't wake up but he's still alive… I think he's out cold." Sakura said.

"Mh… we need to do something about… gah!" Sakura turned to see the same man biting Sasuke on the neck.

Her eyes widen as the man let go of Sasuke and his head returned to his body.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sasuke suddenly screamed in pain as he fell to the ground while holding his neck.

"S-Sasuke?" Sakura asked. "What's wrong?" She asked.

She heard chuckling and turned to the man. "I imbedded the curse mark on Sasuke, when he's looking for power, he'll look for me… for the record… my name is Orochimaru." Orochimaru said.

"Go away! Just get the hell away! I don't want to see your face again!" Sakura yelled.

"Oh… but trust me child… you will see me again." Orochimaru said as he sank to the ground.

Sakura glared where Orochimaru was but Sasuke's scream of pain brought her back.

She looked at Sasuke then at Naruto. 'What… what am I going to do?' she asked.

A couple of minutes or hours passed while Sakura put a wet toward over Sasuke's head.

She looked at Naruto. 'This is bad… if anyone attacks us, we're dead." she thought.

"Hello." Sakura turned quickly to see three ninjas.

'Are you serious!' Sakura thought.

"Now, if you don't mind, we'll kill you, the Uchiha brat and the other one… technically we'll kill all of you, no biggie." the hairy guy said.

Sakura prepared herself.

"LEAF WHIRLWIND!" someone yelled as he kicked all of them in one flip.

Sakura braced herself when the guy landed, only to show it was Rock Lee.

"Lee!" Sakura said in surprise.

"Hello Sakura-Chan! Are you ok?" he asked.

Sakura breathe a sigh of relief. "Boy am I ever glad that you came." she said.

Lee smiled. 'She's glad to see me!' he said.

"Alright, then I guess we'll have to take care of you." the hairy guy said as he runs at Lee.

Lee suddenly vanished, the guy stopped. "He vanished!" he suddenly got kicked in the chin and Lee appeared behind him as he flew in the air.

"Now to finish this." Lee said as the bandages in his hand wrapped around the guy and he started plummeted head face to the floor.

"Rats! He won't survive that!" another guy said as he put his hand underground.

Lee crashed into the ground; there was poof of smoke as link jumped out.

"Damn, that move really put a strain on my body." Lee said before he saw that the enemy survives.

"Boy, that was a close one." the guy said.

Lee was panting.

The hairy guy stood up. "Mh, that move would've surely kill me if Zaku hadn't done that." he said.

"You're welcome Dosu." Zaku said.

Dosu turns to Lee. "Now to finish this brat." he charges at Lee and swing his arm but Lee jumped in time but a sound wave disrupt his vision. "Hehe, dodging my attack will do you no good whatsoever."

Lee hutched over and threw up.

"Lee!" Sakura yelled.

Lee's eyes widen as he felt pain in his left ear, he grunted in pain as he held his ear.

"Kid, it doesn't matter if you dodge my fist. Sound will still attack you." Dosu said.

"What?" Lee asked.

"The sound, it is vibration your ear drums catch in that air." Dosu said. "That taijutsu of yours won't work against me." Dosu said.

Lee glared at him.

"Now, to finish this!" Dosu charged at Sakura.

"No!" Lee quickly stood and ran in the way.

"What?" Dosu asked as Lee got in the way.

"LEAF HURRI…" Lee suddenly stops due to his ear.

"Hehe! Useless!" Dosu threw a punch which Lee blocked. "Hehe, you just committed your own downfall!" Dosu said as air went to Lee's injured ear, Lee fell to his knee and fell to the ground, unable to move. "Hehe, dumb brat, I'll finish you here."

"I won't let you!" Sakura threw some shurikens at Dosu only to have him block it with the metal plate in his arm.

"Pathetic." Dosu said.

"Don't worry; I'll take care of this." Zaku said.

Sakura threw more kunais and shuriken but Zaku blew them back.

The shurikens grazed Sakura; she stepped back a little before the girl grabbed her hair.

"Man, you must have work a lot on your hair. Who are you trying to look sexy to?" the girl asked.

"That's right Kin! Keep her there; I'll take care of the Uchiha boy." Zaku said.

Kin keep moving Sakura's hair left and right. "Such an idiot." she said.

'Why does it need to be like this?' Sakura thought. 'I thought if I became stronger during this days but I was wrong… Naruto and Sasuke fought Orochimaru while the whole time I watched, terrified and cried… I'm so weak!' Sakura yelled ay herself. 'How can I impress Naruto-kun like this! How am I supposed to protect the ones I love! I had it!' Sakura grabbed a kunai.

"Pfft, what you gonna do with that?" Kin asked.

"You'll see." Sakura said with a wicked smile.

Ino, Shikamaru and Choji (Who been hiding behind a bush) watched in amazement as Sakura cut her head.

Zaku was shock but quickly got over his shock. "Kin, what are you doing! Get her!" Zaku yelled as Kin grabbed some senbon and hit Sakura but she suddenly puff to a log.

"What the…" Zaku said as he looked to his left to see Sakura throw senbon on him. "No use!" he blew them back, hitting Sakura but she once again puff to a log. "Stupid girl!" Zaku looked above and threw shurikens at Sakura and hit her. "Great! Now where is the…" he was asking before blood fell on him, he looks us to see Sakura still falling towards Zaku.

She took a kunai and stabbed Zaku on the arm as she and he fell to the ground, she bit his other arm.

"What the… you brat!" he started punching Sakura repeatedly.

After a minute of punching Sakura he had it. "That's it!" he was going to give another punch to Sakura before senbon hit his arm. He grunted in pain. "Kin, what the hell are you doing!" Zaku asked.

"That wasn't me!" Kin yelled.

"Then who…" Zaku was asking before someone clear her throat, they looked up to see Haku.

"Who the hell are you!" Kin asked.

"I would advise you to leave Sakura alone." Haku said as she jumped down.

"Heh, you're the new ninja huh? This should be easy." Zaku said as he punched Sakura once again, making her release her hold on Zaku.

"Sakura!" Haku ran towards Sakura. "Are you ok?" she asked.

Sakura, with a bloody face, smile weak. "I'll survive." she said.

Haku glared at Zaku. "You bastard!" she yelled before she felt another presence, she threw two senbon in that direction. "Show yourself you coward!" Haku said as Ino and the other stood up.

"Relax, I'm no enemy, I'm Sakura's friend." Ino said.

Haku nodded and turned to the other. "I'll take care of the other bastard, you take care of the rest." Haku said as she charged at Zaku.

"Oh no you don't!" Dosu intercept as he got in the way and threw a punch but Haku dodged it but unluckily for her it was the arm with the metal plate.

She watched as her vision became blurry. "Damn" she said before she hunched over and threw up.

"Haku!" Sakura yelled.

Haku was panting. 'What was that?' she thought.

Dosu walked towards her. "You acted tough but you're actually weak." Dosu said as he pulled back a fist.

'Damn' Haku quickly made a small mirror from her barf, blocking the attack, she jumped back.

Everyone watched in surprise. 'Odd, I never heard of leaf shinobi able to use ice jutsus.' Dosu thought.

Haku grabbed a water bottle and spills some on the floor and made some hand sign. "SECRET JUTSU: A THOUSAND NEEDLES OF DEATH!" Haku yelled as ice needle surrounds Dosu.

Dosu quickly looked around for a way out, and then looked up. 'There!' he thought.

Haku noticed him looking up. "Damn he figured it out." she thought as she lunches her needle at Dosu but he reacted fast enough to jump out.

"Heh, this girl is good, unlike another girl." Kin said, referring to Sakura.

Haku looked at Dosu who was still in midair. "Fool" she said and made other hand sign. "SHATTERING ICE SPEAR!" ice spear came from the water and went towards Dosu.

"Damn!" Dosu said.

"Got you!" Haku said before she got blasted and skid for four feet, making the spears stop and Dosu landed on the floor safely.

"Once again, you saved my ass Zaku." Dosu said.

Haku glared at Ino and her team. "What are you doing! I told you to take care of them!" Haku said.

All three snapped out of their shock.

"Alright!" Choji said. "EXPANSION JUTSU!" he became fatter than usual. "HUMAN BOULDER!" he started rolling towards Zaku.

"Ha! There's no way will that work!" Zaku said as he blasted Choji with air from his palm.

Choji suddenly started bouncing.

"A fatty bouncing on his stomach… that's something no one will ever see." Zaku said as he dodged Choji.

"Why you…" kin was saying as she took out a senbon but she suddenly stops. "Wait, why can't I move?" kin asked.

"Because…" she turned to Shikamaru. "You got stuck in my shadow possession jutsu." he said simply.

"Crap." she just watched as Dosu kept dodging Haku's ice needles and Zaku tried to outrun Choji.

"It looks like we're missing all the fun." they look up to see Neji and Tenten on a tree branch.

"It's that Hyuuga guy from before." Ino said.

"Lee!" Tenten yelled as she saw Lee lying on the floor.

"You guys are going to pay for that!" Neji said as he activated his byakugan.

Dosu jumped slightly. 'So this is the byakugan that I've heard about.' Dosu thought.

Neji looked to his left. 'What incredible chakra.' Neji though.

"Come on, if you think you're so tough then come at me!" Dosu said.

"No thanks, I rather have him take care of you." Neji said pointing to where Sasuke and Naruto is.

'What does he…?' Sakura was asking as she turns to them. "Sasuke! You're a…" Sakura stopped mid-sentence as she looked at Sasuke with several flames pattern in his body.

"Sasuke-kun… wha… what happened to you?" Ino asked.

Sasuke looked at Sakura. "Who did that to you?" he asked.

'The curse seal…' Dosu thought. 'Only a complete idiot would be stupid enough to try and fight him.' he thought.

"I did it!" Zaku said.

'And speaking of idiots…' Dosu thought while shaking his head.

Most people were stun silent due to the amount of killer intent Sasuke is unleashing and his dark chakra.

Sasuke turned to Zaku. "You guys… don't hurt my friends… you'll pay for that." he said.

"Ha! Like hell we will!" Zaku said as he pointed both hands at Sasuke.

"No Zaku! You don't know what you're doing!" Dosu yelled.

"SUPERSONIC SLICING WAVE!" Zaku yelled while blasted a huge amount of air at Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto, ripping apart everything in it's path.

He stopped and looked at the damage that he have done. "Hahaha! He didn't even stand a chance, what an idiot!" Zaku laughed.

"Who's the idiot?" Zaku turned only to receive a punch from Sasuke, Sasuke made hand sign. "FIRESTYLE: PHOENIX FLOWER JUTSU!" he shot multiple fireballs at Zaku.

"Ha! Too easy!" he blasted the fireballs with air only to reveal shurikens. "What!" he put his arms in front of him as he got hit with several shurikens.

He suddenly got on the floor with both arms behind him; he looked behind him to see Sasuke's foot on his back while holding both arms.

'What's wrong with Sasuke? This isn't like him." Ino thought.

"You seem pretty proud of your two arms, thinking you're invincible with it." Sasuke said as he bended his arm up while pushing him further.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Zaku screamed as his arms snapped. He felt unconscious to the ground.

Sasuke stared at Zaku for a while before he turned to Dosu. "Your next." he said as he started walking towards him.

"Sasuke-kun, stop!" Sasuke felt two arms wrap around him, he looked behind him to see Ino. "Sasuke, stop, this isn't like you." Ino said.

Sasuke looked at Ino's teary eyes, the flames pattern in his body started disappearing.

'Oh kami thank you for letting me live today.' Dosu thought.

Sasuke collapsed to the ground.

"Sasuke-kun, relax." Ino said.

"Sorry about that." Sasuke said.

"No need to, I'm just glad your back." Ino said.

"Sasuke…" they turned to Dosu who took out his scroll. "Here, take the scroll and we will leave." Dosu said as he grabbed Zaku. "We will meet again in the Chuunin exam." Dosu said before he disappeared.

"Mh…" Sakura seem to be full in thoughts.

"Ugh…" they turned to Naruto who was waking now.

"N-Naruto!" Haku, Sakura and Tenten said.

Naruto looked at Haku and Tenten. "Hey Haku-Chan, hey… weird Chinese girl…" Tenten sweat dropped. "Hey Sakura…" Naruto stopped and ran towards her and looked at her closely.

"Naruto… what's wrong?" Sakura asked while blushing.

"Sakura-Chan, your hair, what happened to it?" Naruto asked.

Sakura ran her hand through her hair. "Nothing really, I just thought of changing my look, nothing much." Sakura said. "But I will miss my long hair; it took me forever to grow it like that." Sakura said.

"Oh…" Naruto said in understanding. "Well, if it make you happy, you look more beautiful like that." Naruto said.

Sakura's eyes widen, she started smiling and hugged Naruto. "Thank you, thank you! That mean the world to me!" she said.

Naruto was confused to tell the least. "Sakura-Chan, are you ok?" Naruto asked.

Sakura blinked and broke the hug. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'll be alright Naruto-kun." she said.

'Naruto-kun? What happened while I was asleep?'Naruto asked himself.

Naruto turned and see Lee, who woke up, talking to Tenten. "Hey! It bushy-brow!" Naruto said before receiving a punch from Sakura.

"Don't be rude to them!" she yelled as Naruto skid for a while.

"Idiot." Shikamaru said.

"He'll never be the main character in a story." Choji said.

"That what Kakashi-sensei said!" Sasuke said.

"What do you mean?" Choji asked.

"Kakashi-sensei said that Naruto is the main character of a story." Sasuke explained.

"Really? Kakashi-sensei said that?" Naruto asked while rubbing his head.

"Yeah, but after that he started denying it." Sakura said.

"Why would he say that?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know…" Sasuke started telling Naruto what happened as the whole team seven got in a conversation about Naruto being the main character.

"I can't believe they are a team, and I can't believe Sasuke-kun is in this conversation." Ino said.

They suddenly heard laughter from Naruto.

"No way! He really cried!" Naruto asked.

"No joking, he was such a cry baby." Sasuke said.

"Hahaha, what a wimp!" Naruto said.

"Well, we'll be seeing you, bye Naruto-kun." Tenten said as she blew a kiss at Naruto.

Naruto blushed as she jumps away.

Haku and Sakura glared at Naruto.

"What? It's not like I made her like me on purpose." Naruto said.

"Bye Sasuke-kun, may we see each other again." Ino said as she with her team jumps away.

Sasuke sighed. "Well… this was…"

"The biggest fail we ever had since we became a team?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke and Sakura stared at him.

"What? It's true." he said, they both sigh.

(Three days later)

Three Naruto clones jumped and landed on water as they quickly caught fishes and threw them up, Sasuke quickly grabbed three kunais and threw them at the fishes.

"Only three? Throw three more." Sasuke said.

"No way! This is tiring!" Naruto yelled.

"Pfft, you're just being a lazy-ass." Sasuke muttered.

"What was that!" Naruto asked.

"Naruto, Sasuke come… here?" Sakura looked at Naruto who was only in his boxer, and due to the water it was stuck to his skin and it was sagging a little. Sakura basically got shot back due to blood coming from her nose.

"Sakura-Chan!" Naruto and Sasuke ran towards her. "What happened to her!" Naruto asked.

Sasuke looked closely at her dizzy eyes and bloody nose. "Eh, she had a bloody nose." Sasuke said.

"Yeah, I can tell! But why?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke shrugged his shoulder. "Probably because she saw you…" Sasuke was saying before he receives a punch in the face by Sakura. "Ah that's smart!"

Naruto was confused. "Sakura, don't you have a crush on Sasuke?" Naruto asked.

"Mh, he's going out with Ino, it would be wrong for me to still have a crush on him." Sakura said.

"So your free!" Naruto said.

"I'm not going out with you." Sakura said.


Sakura mentally slapped herself. 'Idiot!'

Sasuke looked at her. 'She is an idiot for refusing Naruto… again.' Sasuke thought.

They started eating their fishes as Naruto was for some reason still shirtless, Sakura was constantly gawking at Naruto with hungry eyes and everyone time Naruto looked at her she pretended to be looking at something else.

Sasuke stopped eating.

Sakura soon stopped eating when she notice Sasuke stopped. "Sasuke, what's wrong?" Sakura asked.

Naruto's eyes beamed. 'Sakura-Chan doesn't call Sasuke 'Sasuke-kun'! She really must be over him, now to make my move.' Naruto thought, as Sasuke and Sakura talk, he started moving closer to Sakura.

Sakura who was talking suddenly stop and looked to her left only to see Naruto's face, she looked down at Naruto's chest then quickly looks away with a red face.

'Naruto-kun is closer to me… real close… why?' Sakura thought. "Um, as I was saying…" Sakura started talking with Sasuke again.

'Sakura-Chan blushed... why?' Naruto thought then looked at Sakura's hand which was one the floor; he slowly moves his hand closer to Sakura's before it finally touched.

Sakura flinched by the touch but she did nothing.

'She didn't punch me!' Naruto thought in surprise.

Sasuke saw Naruto's hand on Sakura's so he decided to tease. "Hey Sakura, I didn't know you and Naruto were going out." Sasuke said.

Sakura suddenly hit Naruto on the stomach.

"Ahh that's smart!" Naruto said while holding his stomach.

Sakura glared at Sasuke who nervously looked away.

"I said nothing wrong." he whispered to himself.

"As I was saying… that Orochimaru guy destroyed our 'heaven' scroll, and we don't know if any other scrolls are intact, for all we know another 'heaven' scroll might have been destroyed or all of them are gone. The chances of us passing this test are extremely low." Sakura said.

Naruto stopped rubbing his stomach and looked around. "Someone's here." he said.

Sasuke stood as so did Sakura. "Get out, we know you're there… or at least one of us know you're here." Sasuke said.

"Relax, relax, don't get your nickers in a twist." a man with white hair said.

"Don't get your nickers in a twist?" Naruto asked. "Who says that this day?"

"Hey! You must be Kabuto-san!" Sakura said.

"Good, good, you know me, although the others two seem hopelessly confuse." Kabuto said.

Sakura turned to Naruto and Sasuke to find them thinking.

"Who is this Kabuto person?" Sasuke asked himself.

"Where have I met him?" Naruto asked himself.

Sakura sighed. "Forget them, why are you here?" Sakura asked.

"No reason just thought I'd help a fellow leaf shinobi." Kabuto said.

Team seven looked suspiciously at them.

"Don't worry, I already have both scrolls so there's no reason for me to attack you." Kabuto said.

Team seven visibly relaxed.

"Come with me, I'll show you the path to go." Kabuto said as he started jumping away, the team didn't even think as they quickly follow Kabuto.

(Three hours later)

They landed on a cliff. "There it is, the tower." Kabuto said.

"Awesome! Now all we have to do is ambush someone." Naruto said before he threw a kunai behind him.

They turned to look at a centipede.

"Ah, good, even I didn't notice that." Kabuto said.

"Ewwww, it's so big and gross." Sakura said.

"Ugh, look at his legs, it's still squirming, I think it's still alive." Sasuke said.

"Nah, I hit it on the head, it should die in a moment." Naruto said.

"Now… I should tell all of you, as of right now, we should be quiet, we don't know if they might see or hear us but better safe than sorry." Kabuto said.

"All three nodded as they started walking towards the tower.

After minutes or hours of walking they stopped.

"That's odd…" Naruto said breathlessly.

"What do you mean?" Sakura asked.

"Well for first thing, I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be closer to the tower." Naruto said pointing to the tower which doesn't seem to have gotten closer. "And second, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be the centipede I hit before."

"What are you… ahhh… mfh!" Sakura screamed before Sasuke covered her mouth.

"Remember? We're supposed to be quiet." Sasuke said before he saw the centipede. "Naruto you lied, it's leg are still squirming." Sasuke said.

"Forget that!" Naruto said.

"Mh… we're in a genjutsu." Kabuto said.

"Thank you!" Naruto said.

Suddenly the same ninja that appeared at the start of the exam started appeared out of the trees.

"So it's him again." Sasuke said.

"Heh, the perfect handicap!" Naruto said as he cracks his knuckles.

He ran at one of them and punched it.

"Nice one Naruto-kun!" Sakura said.

Naruto smirked before the clones suddenly deformed and reformed another clone which grabbed a kunai.

"Damn it!" Sasuke said as he activated his sharingan and threw some shurikens at the other clone and it deformed.

"Idiot!" the clone said as it threw a kunai at Sasuke.

For some reason Sasuke didn't move.

"What are you doing!" Kabuto asked as he tackles Sasuke and took the hit. Kabuto took the kunai from his shoulder. 'Real pain, so this isn't an illusion?'Kabuto asked.

"Damn you!" Naruto ran towards them.

"Naruto, don't!" Sasuke yelled, Naruto stopped. "Those are illusion, the enemy is probably hiding here somewhere, I'll look for him." Sasuke said.

"Don't waste your time, they are probably hidden well, we just need to hold them off." Kabuto said.

"But isn't that what the enemy wants… just tire us out so that it can attack us?" Naruto asked. "Because if that the case… I'll finish this in a heartbeat!" Naruto said as he made a hand sign.

"Naruto, don't, that's what the enemy wants… to tire us out, wasting chakra will only make it worse." Kabuto said.

"Heh, I got enough chakra to last me all night… MULTI SHADOW CLONES JUTSU!" dozens of Narutos showed up and attacked the clones.

(Next morning)

Naruto laid down and was breathing heavily until another clone got formed in front of him.

"Naruto, look out!" Sakura yelled.

Naruto quickly made a handstand and kicked the clone. "You know, this would be easy…" he turned to the other who were just sitting and for some reason didn't looked tired. "If you would help me with these bastards!" Naruto yelled.

"We are…" Sasuke said.

"We're giving you heads up." Sakura said.

Naruto growled. "Lazy-ass teammates." he whispered.

"What's going on… he's the only one fighting and yet, he can still fight." a random man said.

"You're right, fighting them would just be useless, but we still need the scroll… make clones appeared close to the other tree." the original man said.

"Yeah…" someone said, he turned to the three to find them gone. "Where did they go?" he asked.

"You know, it's not smart to talk loudly." they turned to see Sasuke, Kabuto and Sakura.

Naruto stood where the clones were but they all suddenly disappeared, Naruto blinked until he saw three unconscious guys got thrown to the ground.

"Looks like we finish the real deal." Sasuke said.

"No fair… I had to take care of the clones while you… take all… the credit." Naruto suddenly collapse, Sakura reacted fast enough to catch him.

"Naruto-kun! Naruto-kun wake up!" Sakura said.

Sasuke shook his head. "He's probably tired from fighting all night, no matter how much stamina he has he couldn't stay awake.

"Well, granted we didn't help him at all." Sakura said.

"Hey, let's not play the blame game here." Sasuke said.

He looked through their stuff and found their scroll.

"The 'heaven' scroll, what luck." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Come on… let's get Naruto-kun checked up." Sakura said.

"He's just tired, all he need is some rest." Sasuke said.

"I don't care! He could've bitten his tongue and I still would've taken him to a hospital!" Sakura said.

Sasuke mouth 'wow'.

"Alright, let's go in the tower." Kabuto said as he reunites with his teams, team seven walked inside.

Oh my god that took forever! But I'm finally done and I welcome you to bringing Sakura and Naruto closer since I read that I keep forgetting to add juicy part between them… not that kind of juicy you perverts! Now next chapter will have the next three fight of the Chuunin exam, hope you were patience enough to wait for this chapter because I know I would never be patience enough for a single update. See ya next week.