Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves was covered in complete snow (Don't know if it's possible but I'll still write it), everyone was really excited for their most favorite time of year… except for a certain blond-haired, knuckleheaded, orange wearing ninja.
Naruto was leaning on his window, looking at the snow and all the kids playing on, one kid notice Naruto and threw a snowball at the window, blocking his view, Naruto grumbled in annoyance before walking away and laid on his bed. Haku appeared from the wall and looked at Naruto.
"Naruto-kun, what's wrong?" Haku asked.
Naruto sighed as he sat up and presented her with his fake smile. "Nothing Haku-Chan, just thinking of what I wanted for Christmas…" (Again, don't know if they know about Christmas) Naruto said.
Haku, not noticing the smile was fake, smiles back with a slight blush. "Good to know, I didn't wanted you to feel down in this wonderful year, you get to spend time with you family and friends… oops." Haku covered her mouth after realizing what she said.
Naruto groaned loudly and lay on his bed again.
Haku got an apologetic look and before she could apologize…
"HAKU! COME HERE NOW!" Zabuza called.
"Coming Zabuza-sama!" Haku took another looked at Naruto before running off.
(With Sakura)
Sakura was walking through the snow wearing a sleeved, red jacket and long pants while having earmuffs.
She had a huge smile on her face. 'Christmas, the best time of year and best time to get close to Naruto-kun.' Sakura thought with a huge, she had decided that as soon as Christmas comes, she will confess her feeling to Naruto, she tried Valentine's Day, but that turned into an utter fail… never again will she try to cook chocolate… EVER!
She was reaching Naruto's home until she saw an unexpected man.
"Hey Sakura…" Sasuke waved, he has a dark blue hoody with his clan symbol on the back and longer, baggier pants, his hands are inside his pockets while his hood is up.
"Hey Sasuke." Sakura said.
"Going to Naruto's house?" Sasuke asked.
Sakura blushed. "W-w-what's it to ya?" she asked, she turned to continue only to see Kakashi in the way.
"Come on Sakura-Chan; tell us, we won't make fun of you…" Kakashi said, wearing the usual, except he also had earmuffs.
"Mind you own business!" Sakura said.
Sasuke got close to her face with a smile. "Oh, but it is our business since it involve our teammate." he said.
Sakura's face got redder.
"He has a point, beside; I would love to see you fail just like you did in Valentine's Day…" Kakashi said would Sakura just keep getting redder. "Oh the way poor Naruto-kun reacted."
"No no…" Sasuke said, trying to control himself. "Not poor Naruto, poor everyone who tried her chocolate!" Kakashi and Sasuke burst out laughing as Sakura fumed and left the two laughing idiots.
"Wait wait…" Kakashi called. "Don't go Sakura-Chan…" Kakashi said, running up to her.
"Fuck you!" Sakura yelled in fury.
"Oi, Sakura, that's not very ladylike, I'm sure Naruto-kun would be disappointed." Sasuke said in fake disappointment before snickering.
Sakura growled before walking faster to get away from the laughing buffoons.
After several minutes, Sakura was about to reach Naruto's apartment, but she meet five peoples there.
Shikamaru is there, so is Choji and Kiba, surprisingly Ino is there, but the first person Sakura noticed was Hinata, they both gave each other a stare down.
"Hinata…" Sakura said.
"Sakura-san…" Hinata said.
Everyone sweat dropped. 'Naruto has a handful.' was the mutual thought on everyone as sparks came from Sakura's and Hinata's eyes.
Sasuke knocked on Naruto's door, after a while, Haku answered.
Hinata gasped, hell everyone gasped, they weren't expecting Haku to answer Naruto's door.
Sakura shook her head. 'No, this can't be, Naruto-kun is already… married?' Sakura thought.
(Worst case scenario)
An older Naruto and older Haku were holding each other close.
"Haku-Chan, I'm so glad were married, you look so beautiful and sexy." Naruto said.
"You too Naruto-kun, I'm really lucky to have met a guy like you, so strong and handsome."
They both started to close their eyes as they lips started to move closer and closer, right when they were about to connect, Naruto turned and yells.
(End of scenario)
Sakura blinked then looked at Sasuke, Sasuke looked back then blinked.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing." she said.
Haku looked at their shocked looked and blinked. "What's wrong, is there something on my face?" she asked.
"Um…" Ino started. "Why are you in Naruto's place?" she asked.
"Mh? I live here." she answered, that earned more gasped which confuse Haku even more. "What? Is something wrong?" she asked.
"I'm pretty sure Naruto is too young to marry." Sasuke asked.
Haku blushed bright red. "We're not married, we're more like neighbor, I just answered because Naruto-kun is too devastated." she said in a sad tone.
"What's wrong?" Hinata asked.
Haku sighed. "I don't know, he won't tell me, he kept putting this fake smile and say that he's just thinking of what to get but… I'm sure that's not it."
Everyone got into a thinking pose, trying to figure out why Naruto was sad.
Without a word, Sakura walked inside and looked around, only to find Naruto lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.
Sakura walked to him and stood there, standing over him.
Naruto noticed Sakura and stared at her, after a couple of second of silent, Naruto broke it. "What?" Naruto asked rudely, Sakura's eyes widen and walked back to the other as they also heard Naruto.
"Did Naruto just say 'what' to you?" Kiba asked. "And in a rude way!' he asked.
"Holy shit this is bad, this is very very bad." Sasuke said. "Naruto, has a crush on Sakura, Naruto being mean to Sakura is unheard of…" Sasuke explained.
"So whatever is bothering Naruto…" Kakashi pondered. "Must really be that bad that it even makes him be rude to Sakura." Kakashi said. They all turned to Sakura who had a sad look on her face. "Aw, don't worry Sakura, this is the only time Naruto is mean to you." he said.
"That not it…" Sakura said, everyone got a confuse look. "I'm really worried about Naruto-kun, he seem really upset and there's no happiness in him, nothing cheerful at all." she said in a sad tone before turning and walking towards Naruto again with everyone screaming at her 'don't do It' or 'it's too dangerous' or 'you're gonna die'
Sakura reached Naruto again, and stared at him hard in the eyes.
Naruto looked at her again. "What is it this time?" Naruto asked.
Sakura resisted the urge to cry in his arm and asked in a commanding voice. "What is bothering you?" she asked.
Naruto snorted. "Since when did you care when something was bothering me?" Naruto asked,
"Naruto-kun, I always cared." Sakura said in a sad tone, Naruto raised an eyebrow at her. Sakura, realizing what she said, blushed and quickly said: "As a friend… I cared about you as a friend." she said while laughing nervously. 'Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!' she chanted in her head, Sasuke and Kakashi were having similar thoughts… actually they are saying that out loud and beating their heads on the wall, which confuse everyone around them.
Naruto sighed. "Nothing is wrong with me, why don't you go back to celebrating Christmas with your family!" Naruto said with anger in his voice.
"But, why are you…"
"Just go!" Naruto yelled at Sakura, everyone jumped as soon as Naruto yelled.
Sakura looked down. "Ok…" she said in a low voice and left.
Sakura reached them with her head still low, Ino became worried.
"Sakura? Billboard-brow?" Ino said as she watched Sakura intently, everyone saw Sakura's shoulder heaving up and down as tears fell down her eyes. "Sakura, you know Naruto wouldn't really say that to you." Ino said.
"Yeah, Naruto has a really big crush on you, so stop crying." Sasuke said, slightly harsh.
Sakura wiped her eyes. "I'm not crying because of Naruto… I think I figured out why Naruto is mad…" Sakura said. Everyone got closed to Sakura. "I think Naruto never had or experience Christmas…" she said, Choji opened his mouth but Sakura cut him off. "When I think about it, there's no Christmas tree in here…" Sakura pointed inside Naruto's apartment and found no tree. "And also, when Naruto told me to go celebrate Christmas with my family, he sounded angry." Sakura finished explaining.
Kakashi took a thinking pose. "Well that makes sense, taken as he has no family and the parent doesn't let them be near Naruto so he had no friend." Kakashi said.
"That's horrible…" Ino said.
"What should we do?" Hinata asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Sasuke asked. Everyone turned to him. "No one knows?" he asked, they all shook their heads. "Naruto is down about Christmas, and if someone down, what do we do?" he asked, everyone said or did anything. "We show and give him his first Christmas ever." Sasuke said tiredly.
Everyone's face lit up.
"That's a great idea Sasuke-kun!" Ino said.
Sasuke sweats dropped and sigh.
So how are we supposed to give Naruto-kun his first Christmas?" Hinata asked.
"Isn't Christmas about gift?" Kakashi asked. They all gave him… The Look. "What?" he asked, rather uncomfortably.
"No, it about being with you family and…" Sakura trailed off. "Oh yeah he has no family." she said.
"Then, it's about gifts." Kakashi said again, and they once again gave him… The Look. "What? Is it so bad to express your opinion?" he asked, everyone turned their back at him, saying something about 'perverted sensei's' or 'lazy idiots'.
"Ok, there's still the fact that he could hang out with friends." Haku said.
"I'm not sure that enough…" Sasuke said.
"How would you know?" Haku asked.
"I lost my whole family when I was seven! And I had to celebrate Christmas by myself the whole time, I'm pretty sure I know what a lonely person wants in Christmas more than you." Sasuke said, Haku growled.
"So what do you usually do to celebrate Christmas by yourself Sasuke-kun?" Ino asked.
"Well…" Sasuke started.
(Time skip)
Naruto was still lying on his bed, wishing Christmas would just be over already.
There was a knock on the door but Naruto didn't answer, it knocked again, Naruto did nothing as he looked at the ceiling, but one more knock did it.
Naruto growled as he walked towards the door and opened it, expecting Haku, Sakura or Hinata but the one he found was Sasuke. Naruto was mildly surprised.
"Wanna spar?" Sasuke asked.
"Don't you got to prepare yourself for Christmas?" Naruto asked.
"I got no family so there's no reason for me to celebrate it…" Sasuke said, Naruto pondered it. "Wanna spar, I got nothing else to do." Sasuke said.
Naruto sighed. "Zabuza! I'll be back!" he said. Zabuza grumbled in response as he was sleeping. Naruto turned to Sasuke. "Let's go, it'll be true Christmas if I beat you." Naruto said with a huge grin.
Sasuke smirked as he started walking with Naruto close behind.
As soon as they left the building, everyone from before went inside Naruto's apartment.
Sakura was on Naruto's door as she was looking for something.
"What are you looking for?" Ino asked.
"Wait…" Sakura said as she took out a key and unlocked Naruto's door.
Everyone was gaping.
"W-w-wait, h-how did you know Naruto's key was there?" Ino asked.
Sakura blushed. "There aren't his… these are mine." she said everyone sweat dropped.
"Ok, putting your perverted nature aside." Kakashi said.
"I'M NOT A PERVERT!" Sakura screamed only for it to fall on deaf ears.
"Open the door." Kakashi ordered.
Sakura grumbled before opening it.
(With Sasuke)
Sasuke jumped back as he dodged another one of Naruto's kick.
Sasuke ran towards Naruto and threw a kick only for Naruto to dodge and counter with a punch which Sasuke caught.
Naruto, not losing his momentum, threw a kick aimed for Sasuke's face but Sasuke quickly activated his sharingan and dodged the blow and countered with an uppercut.
Sasuke jumped back as he did some hand sign, along with Naruto.
"FIRE STYLE: FIREBALL JUTSU!" Sasuke yelled, blowing a giant ball of fire at Naruto.
"WIND STYLE: GREAT BREAKTHROUGH!" a gust of wind blew away the fire.
They were both panting before Naruto fell to the ground. He gave an exhausted sigh. "I'm beat, how long have we been at it, three hours, maybe five?" Naruto asked.
Sasuke checked his watched. "45 minutes." he said with a sweat dropped.
Naruto groaned as he collapsed on the grass.
"This isn't like you Naruto…" Sasuke said. "Usually you can go for another 50 hours or so, but now… now you're just weak." Sasuke said.
"Oh shut up! I had a lot of things on my mind!" Naruto yelled with a comical expression.
"Oh? And might one of does things be your Christmas problem?" Sasuke asked, Naruto stopped his rant and looked down.
Sasuke looked at Naruto before looking at a far distance. "Naruto, look at my direction and tell me what you see." Sasuke said.
Naruto did just that as he turned to Sasuke's direction, Naruto's eyes narrowed. "I see several kids playing with their friends and family, enjoying themselves in the snow…" Naruto said.
"What else?" Sasuke asked.
"I see several trees covered in snow, so is the road, along that snow are slowly falling to the ground." Naruto said.
Naruto looked closer. "I see nothing else." he said.
Sasuke shook his head. "You're missing one more thing, look more closely and you'll see it." Sasuke said.
Naruto furrowed his eyes as he tried desperately to find the missing object, little did he knew that Sasuke was just buying time.
"And… and… and… and… and…" Naruto continuously said as Sasuke sweat dropped.
'Too easy…' he said before his hidden ear piece picked up some static.
"Sasuke, do you read me?" Kakashi whispered.
"Loud and clear…" Sasuke whispered back.
"Loud and clear? Was I really that loud, damn I thought I was quieter than that, some former Anbu captain I turned out to be, I mean…"
"Shut up and just tell me what you were going to say!" Sasuke whispered harshly.
"Alright alright, geez… we're done with Naruto's apartment, you can bring him in now." Kakashi said before the link broke.
Sasuke nodded before he walked towards Naruto who kept saying 'and… and… and'
"Naruto…" Sasuke called, Naruto turned to him. "Let's go back; it's obvious that you won't be able to find it." Sasuke said.
Naruto grumbled. "I was about to get it, couldn't you give me more time?" Naruto asked.
"Nope!" Sasuke said non-caringly.
Naruto growled inwardly before he walked behind Sasuke.
Naruto would constantly look at the families and little kids having fun in the snow, Naruto would sigh and look away.
After twenty minutes of walking they finally made it to his apartment.
Sasuke stepped aside. "Open it." he said.
Naruto rolled his eyes before reaching for the handle, for some reason in slow-motion, he slowly, oh so slowly, turned it, before he executed a dramatic enter.
"SURPRISE!" everyone yelled which made Naruto jumped (Cliché move, I know).
Naruto looked at the Christmas tree on a corner with several present under it, some mistletoe on the ceiling, Sakura's idea, and decoration, everything Naruto would've dreamt of. Everyone that Naruto knew was there, even Zabuza was there.
"Wha… what is…?" Naruto tried to speak but failed.
"Apparently we heard of your… poor luck in Christmas." Sasuke said.
"Yosh!" Lee yelled. "You Flame of Youth will shine even in the coldest of times!" he said.
"That is correct my pupil!" Gai said.
"We were worried that you hated Christmas because you never experienced one." Haku said.
"Really?" Naruto asked as everyone notice. "Thanks everyone, this is the nicest things everyone have ever done for me, thanks a lot Haku-Chan." Naruto said.
"Um, it wasn't my idea." Haku said as she pointed at Sakura, hell everyone was pointing at Sakura.
"Wait…" Naruto looked at Sakura blushing face. "It was your idea Sakura-Chan?" Naruto asked.
Sakura nodded nervously.
Naruto gave a huge grin as he ran towards Sakura and gave her a hug which made her face even redder and made Hinata and Haku growled inwardly.
Naruto stopped hugging and looked at Sakura who almost fell.
"Sakura-Chan, are you ok?" Naruto asked. Everyone looked at Sakura and sweat dropped as she had swirly eyes and a huge blush.
"Guys, she seems really red, should we take her to the hospital?" Naruto asked.
"Nope!" "Nah!" "She'll be alright" "Don't worry about her" This is what everyone was saying at the same time.
Naruto looked at Sakura worried before he set her on his bed.
"Alright! Let's go!" Naruto said excitedly.
(Time skip)
Sakura was beginning to open her eyes as she finally came to. She looked at the ceiling and figured that it wasn't hers. She was about to freak out before she remembered that she threw a Christmas party for Naruto to get him in the holidays spirit, she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
"Sakura-Chan!" Naruto called, Sakura turned to the running Naruto. "You finally woke up, I was beginning to become afraid that I'll have to carry you home." Naruto said.
Sakura laughed weakly. She stood up. "What did I miss?" she asked.
"Almost the whole party…" Naruto answered.
Sakura stood there with a black expression as she processes what Naruto just said in her mind, her eyes widen once she finally got what Naruto said.
"WHAT!" Sakura screamed. "I missed the whole party!" she asked.
"Yep, it was the best Christmas party I ever had… well; it was the only one but still…" Naruto gave Sakura a sincere smile. "Thanks Sakura-Chan, this was the nicest thing anyone has ever done to me, you're a real friend." he said.
Sakura blinked as her face slowly became red. She turned and played with her hair. "Well, um… it was… it was nothing… N-Naruto-kun…" she said. She turns to the door and gave a sad sigh. "I guess I have to leave." she said.
Naruto gave a sad smile. "Yeah…" he turns to Kakashi and Sasuke who for some reason are still there. "See ya guys." Naruto said as he led Sakura to the door. "Bye Sakura-Chan…" he said.
Sakura nodded as she looks up before her whole face completely turns red and she almost fainted… again.
Naruto raised an eyebrow at this and followed Sakura's gaze and he also blushed. At the door, at the top, hangs a single mistletoe.
"W-Who puts that there?" Sakura asked. In the backgrounds, Sasuke and Kakashi high-fived.
Naruto returned his gaze at Sakura and looked at him in the eyes.
Naruto got slightly nervous at this, he was about to back away but Sakura quickly grabbed his arm. Naruto was slightly shock at this as he looked closer to Sakura's eyes and saw the love in them and as much as Naruto wanted to deny it, he knew that love was for him.
Without saying anything, Sakura pressed her lips on Naruto, several flashes appearing around them, due to the spark happening in this intimate moment… and Sasuke and Kakashi taking several pictures.
Naruto soon started to return to kiss as Sakura felt this the happiest day in her life, hoping Naruto finally realize she loves him while Kakashi was proud of Naruto and Sakura, Sasuke… he was proud of himself for bringing two peoples together.
Sakura soon broke the kiss and stared in Naruto's eyes again. Without saying a words, she walked passed him as Naruto's eyes rolled to the back of his head and past out.
Kakashi reacted face enough to catch him.
"Mh… he probably passed out due to all the happiness in his system." Kakashi said.
"Sakura! Isn't this great, Naruto will now go out with you!" Sasuke yelled.
Sakura stopped right there as several adult content images passed through her head and once again… fainted.
Sasuke jumped as soon as he saw Sakura fall down and ran towards her, he turned her to see her blushing face.
"Mh, she's pretty weak when it comes to Naruto." Sasuke said as he lifted her and brought her to Kakashi. Kakashi looked at Naruto's and Sakura's unconscious form and soon had a perverted grin. "Let me guess… we should put Sakura and Naruto at his bed, naked?" he asked, Kakashi nodded. They both high-fived again and carried both of them.
The next time Naruto woke up was next to a naked Sakura and coincidentally she woke up too. Sakura, taking the advantage situation slowly crawl towards Naruto who continuously backed away, saying 'I'm too young for this'.