Most stories begin with natural, ordinary things and progress into something magical, marvelous, and beautiful, with problems that are difficult to overcome, but at the final line, we learn a lesson or lessons in the treatment of overcoming the issues, with a happy or sad ending that leaves us wondering how it affected our lives in some way.

But that's not exactly what happened to me. My life wasn't so special; I thought it was, but it wasn't different from any other person who suffered from issues, found a solution, and learned their lesson, because this life has so many examples that one brain can't take them all because they vary from person to person and from experience to experience.

A kid lives in peace with his parents and his family; the innocence and the kindness were too obvious on his face until his life turned upside down.

Because any normal human tends toward evil rather than goodness, most humans always do or want to do bad things; the man needed a problem to taste life and grow up; living without issues is like living in an empty box; but someone like that kid who couldn't, his brain began to create new problems, and because it was a brain, the only kind of problem that could create it was a psychic muddle.

I used to be the innocent child, but I'm no longer a child... or innocent. My name is Assam Kasseri, and I will tell you a story. It is about me and my life when I was a teenager, but I'm warning anyone who reads it: It's not as special as you imagine.

Everything started when I passed the middle school on a great note time arrived to head to high school.

Every day of my life I used to imagine how high school was going to be, and what made me more interested was the MTCT, or Most Transforming Confusing Tools, which is my private name for the anime, the movies, and all the lying stories that we saw on any screen or read in any book, a tool to compensate for the drought and the loss in ourselves.

The trick in each story was very interesting and appealing: how the events unfolded and the character development—how the hero overcame the problem, learned his lesson and tried his hardest to do the right thing. I enjoyed the happy endings, even the sad ones, but imagining myself as the main character was the best.

The autumn had come; I was super excited to enter high school and to add new friends to my list, which contained just two persons: Moshi Bara and Asabi Miata.

I was living with my parents in a perfect family that contained me, the older son, my little brother Assam Yoshiro, and our great parents, my mom Assam June and my father, Assam Harrow, who was a small company's boss.

My mother woke me up on the first day of school by coming to my room. I barely opened my eyes because I was too sluggish to get up on my own, but as soon as I came to, I went to get dressed, drink my coffee, brush my teeth, and get ready for the next era of my life to start.

I was developing my personality, as all humans do at that age; it wasn't complete, but I had something different in my life because I always loved to transform; I needed to experience new things I saw on TV, in movies, in anime, or even heard about; it was like an obsession or addiction for the new, but the things I did want to experience weren't material, like playing basketball, hearing new music, or buying new clothes...

I was obsessed with changing myself, my way of thinking, my personality, and my thoughts—maybe it was an issue, I don't know.

I headed to the school dressed perfectly in black Adidas shoes, the blue suit under my white apron; the official school dress, and black jeans pants.

When I was a kid, I was always told that my hair was so nice and all the girls would surround me in the future, unknowing that a new product would show up to make the hair brighter.

Though I still had great natural hair, it wasn't so special.

I was going to school when I heard a similar voice calling me "Kasseri-boy!" I turned around, and I was sure that the voice I heard was from my best friend Moshi Bara "Oooi Moshi!" We hugged each other and continued our way to school.

"So, how are things going?" I inquired of Moshi with joy.

"You know, getting ready for high school, what your class is?" he asked as putting his hands in his pockets.

"I think it is MT1," I answered.

"Damn! "I'm in ST1!" He yelled angrily.

I was about to say something when a gray, speeding car came all the way and passed over a spot where the rain had gathered, splattering all the dirty water on Moshi.

"Hey! Fuck you!" Moshi shouted at the driver, but the driver ignored him and continued on his way.

"Look at yourself; he made you so classy." Sarcastically, I was laughing at Moshi, who became stinky, and his new, clean clothes became all wet and dirty.

"Go to hell," he said as he walked in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?" I asked him while I was still laughing at him (so mean, I know).

"To change," his house wasn't far away, but time was running out, so I needed to keep walking without him.

When I entered school, I barely recognized one or two students. I started searching for my class; it was a big world inside.

"14..15..16 yes, this is it." As I entered it, I found some students: a short kid who looked like a gangsta with his reverse hat and the tattoo on his neck; also, three girls were taking pictures with each other; they were pretty; and another girl was sitting alone beside the window; she was... sleeping.

I chose a place to sit—I always loved the window's side—so I put my bag on the table and sat, waiting for the teacher to come, until I looked around and remarked that something was wrong.