WebNovelFor Life17.39%


"Weaky-boy" she called me in mockery; like my mom always does.

"you know that only mom has the right to call me like that."

" even though we are alone, I don't think that you will do something," she said

"So confident, why is that?" I asked.

"Because I'm ugly" in a very sad accent, I didn't want to hurt her feeling by telling the truth but, I also didn't want to lie to her and make her live in a dream that's it will never be true.

"Hey! Don't say that! Look at me…" I raised her head with my hand.

"…Yes you are ugly, but… you never can reach my level in ugliness…" I said kiddingly, she began smiling.

"So, both of us are ugly, and we are alone, will you do something about it..." she said seriously while biting her base lip.

I frosted without saying a word, but she began laughing "...I'm joking, asshole."

I sighed and laughed "Oh my god… hey, I kiss you, but, just if you could beat me on one-Vs-one match" I took the device preparing to play video games.

She laughed and said, "Let change the dare; if I win I will kiss you."

I shouted ironically "Never!" and we played the video games until noon.

-Not knowing where we are going, we always try to keep things in the perfect way we want, but it doesn't work like that, it never was and never will, we must push ourselves to stay on the straight line that we drafted it before; that the hard thing in this miserable life.-

After we played video games, she went to prepare lunch for us, and she brought the dishes to my room.

"Wait! What are you doing?" I stopped the game and asked her.


"We are not supposed to eat in my room… my mom will kill us" I answered her, she agreed and we went to the kitchen.

while we were eating, I asked her "you are in the house, why are you still putting a makeup?"

"Because I'm ugly... stupid-boy" she answered me.

"Yeah, but you are ugly with or without makeup, so isn't it good if you just rest yourself" I explained.

She continued eating her lunch without talking, I continued speaking, but then, I began to think that maybe I hurt her.

Suddenly, she ran to the bathroom.

I wondered what the problem, after a while, she came and stood up in front of me, I raised my eyebrows looking at her, and I was surprised because she removed all the makeup on her face.

(I didn't find the words to express; without makeup, she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen)

-Believe me; that what I wanted to say but that isn't my story-

-The only thing I will say to describe my situation- is that I wished that I didn't tell her to remove the makeup.


"See, you're prettier" obviously, I was lying.

"No, I'm not," she stressfully said while sitting on the chair.

I cleaned my mouth "I'm serious, you still ugly but, you are better without makeup..."

She stilled sad and didn't say a word so I continued my speech "...listen to me, putting on makeup will show that you are trying to be pretty, but not putting it on will give less attention to your face and make you more confident, I hope you take me seriously," after I finished, I drank a cup of water.

She did listen carefully, and it seemed that she was convinced a little bit.

in a try from me to change the subject "...Can I ask you a question?" I said.

She nodded affirmatively "yes,"

"Why did you come to live with us?" I said and tensely waited for the answer.

"My mom and dad…" she said seriously.

"Wanted to do the honeymoon alone" she continued.

I started laughing "what… can't they just go to a hotel or something?"

"Yes that what I told them… but they said that this year they can't abide the price"

I was about to burst from laughing "This year?"

She said while taking the dishes to wash "every year, they do the honeymoon… they said that it is healthy for the marriage relation to keeping up."

While we were chatting, my family entered the house, but when they walked in, Yoshiro; my little brother, wasn't with them; I thought that something happened to him.

"Where is Yoshiro?" I said stressfully.

"He is…sigh," my father said while removing his shoes.

"What? What happened?" I shouted.

"He is playing in the backyard, Jesus! Calm down!"

-Third lesson; NOT PRECEDE EVENTS.-

"Sorry, I thought something happened, as you've been outside since the morning." I and my father were speaking in the hall, and Tina was in the kitchen.

"We were in the trial," he said.

"Trial?" I shouted again.

"Shoo…" he put his forefinger on his lips.

"Sorry… what trial?" I whispered.

He was speaking while removing his brown-long coat, and the black shawl; on his neck, "Don't you know?" he took a look at the kitchen "Tina's mother killed her husband…"

I interrupted him "Killed her husband… what…Tina's father?"

My father continued whispering and stealing looks in the kitchen; worried if Tina could hear us "It's was a self-defense… but she still needs proofs, so we went to the court to give support to her since she is your mom's cousin."

I was shocked "does Tina know about that?"

"Of course…but you should hide the file," he said and walked to his room.

-I wish that I can say that's none of this happened, but I made a promise, to tell the truth in this story.-

I went to my room, closed it, and thought, talking to myself "What the fuck! (Sorry for the word) Honeymoon; was it the best idea came to your mind?" I felt sorrow for her situation, but the thing that attracted me and I was admired about, was her strength, despite all the problems, and her situation with the death of her father, she still laughing and holding up.

-Fourth lesson; IT'S ALL ABOUT PATIENCE.-

The clock was pointing to 4:29 pm; I was in my room practicing sport; doing the workout, and hearing music, mom and dad were in their room, aunty was with her granddaughter; Tina, speaking in the kitchen; maybe, it was about her mom, and my little brother was in his room; where everything was soft, for him in order to not hurt himself.

When the clock pointed to 4:34 pm, my phone started ringing, Moshi was calling, so I picked up "Hey,"

He answered, "I'm out of your house".

I put the phone and went outside, I found him there.

"Hey man," I shook his hand.

"I have some bad news," he said seriously.

"What is it, bro?" I asked him.

He smiled and shouted, "I'm not single anymore!"

Hearing those words, I was sure about the identity of the bride he was talking about.