Chapter #3

Aurora's Pov

We had History for second period, it was pretty much my most boring subject but what choice did I have but listen anyway.

"William Henderson was the first recorded Gifted person in history, he discovered that he had the power to communicate with the dead in 1601, the society didn't look kindly upon William, he was treated as an outcast among people, because.... " Explained our history teacher Mrs. Quentin, she had quite a strong British accent with grey hair, considering the fact that she is old, her eyes always looked closed because of her wrinkles, she was short with deep brown eyes.

My mind zoned off back to last night, back to my dream, my horrible nightmare. Images of my parents dead body started to flash in my mind, the blood dripping from their bodies and forming a small pool around my baby crib, I was literally standing in the blood of my parents... My mind was brought back to earth when Mrs Quentin called my name.

"Miss Wayne, I'd like your attention here please." She called. I kept forgetting that she had Telepathy, there was no zoning out in her class, she would know if you weren't paying attention immediately.

"S-sorry!" I stammered while trying to focus.

"After noticing his powers, he was banished from his hometown, even rejected by his parents. He was only seventeen and had nowhere to go, the only people that were there to guide him were the undead, they helped him survive, and they even helped him build a shelter, after ten years of fending for himself, he had the idea of building a place, a place where people who were considered rejects and monsters could feel welcome amongst their kind, he made it a secret place where there would be no disturbances, slowly but gradually, people came and soon enough it was a refugee camp for outcasts, he then had the idea of transforming the place into a school, where he could help the people control their abilities on order not to hurt themselves or each other, he continued with this task and he fell in love with a fellow outcast, her name was Isabella Phoenix, he loved her dearly and together they brought up the school to become what it was today." She concluded. Brandon raised up his hand and asked

"What power did Isabella have?"

"That remained unknown, she refused to tell him no matter what, she said it was too dangerous to even mention." She answered.

"Did they have any known children?" Asked Kyle from the corner.

"Yes, they had two sons and a daughter, Owen, Andrea and Rowan. Owen inherited his father's power, Andrea inherited magic which could only be assumed to have been inherited by the mother and Rowan was powerless, Owen went on to marry-" She was cut off by the bell for next period.


The rest of classes was pretty much mundane, I joined Alexis and her friends for lunch at the cafeteria.

"Hey Elsa, guess what?" She seemed excited and that never meant anything good for me.

"What?" I played along.

"I just booked you an appointment with the school seeker!"

"You what?" I squeaked. "Alex, I told you I'm not going to see him, why did you book me an appointment?"

"Because I know you need to see him." She pouted.

I folded my arms and slowly sipped at my straw, the last thing I need is a visit to the fortune teller.

"C'mon Elsa, aren't you tired of having sleepless nights because of these... Nightmares? Don't they bother you?"

I came to realise that I do need to see him, but I was not ready to admit it, not now at least.

"Okay, fine. I'll go see him, but I won't like it."