Chapter #14

Aurora's Pov

"And then what happened after that?" Alexis was firing endless questions at me about my lunch with Dylan.

I rolled my eyes each time she asked, I swear I'll turn into a Chameleon if I keep this up.

"Then I told him about my parents."

Alexis' froze in place clearly shocked, maybe I should have left that part out.

"Y-You told him? Why?"

"Honestly, even I don't know. He kept pressing on and on for me to tell him."

"You could have just said that it was something personal."

"I did, I tried." I told her. "But then he told me that I didn't have to tell him if it made me uncomfortable."

"Then why did you still tell him?"

"It made me feel bad. I felt like I owed him an explanation for saving me." I explained.

"So, in other words, he guilt tripped you." She folded her arms over her chest.

It was then I had realized what he did. He did guilt trip me indeed, he outsmarted me.