Chapter 14: Bastian

The days became weeks and weeks, months. Acasia fit into my world and blossomed from sexually shy to the erotic bride of my dreams. I knew she missed her family, but I didn't let that bother me. She entertained me, made me laugh, and sometimes vexed me. Overall, I was calmer. It was always like this once my bride settled.

I'd caught Laryn entering my territory one night. I needed to be more vigilant with my shiniest treasure. I also understood his pain, so I didn't kill him.

"Why are you here, bastard blue child of Cookie Monster?" Tahr came up with the nickname after a trip to the earth realm. We all laughed after our own inquisitive travels when we discovered the reference. It stuck.

"I can't do this, Bastian. Not again. I'm lost." The words sounded as if they were retched from his gut.

I swooped in beside him and stuck close as he glided through my territory. I had no doubt he'd steal Acasia if given the chance. But he came for company- anything to combat the grief and loneliness. I remembered the feelings well.

"Is it working to not fall in love with this one?" he asked as he dove down close to the water.

My answer was instantaneous, "Not in the slightest."

"I didn't think it would. I have twenty-five years until my next claiming. I've decided to stay away and not attend. No claiming for me, I'm done."

I hated thinking about Laryn's pain. "Won't work. I did the same. It's an unknown force, and the isolation is so great by that time that I had to go."

"Will we ever find the one? And if we do, how do we know?"

"I've thought of it too and have no answers." When I looked at Acasia, I said a silent prayer to the gods... let it be her, let it be her. It was something I always thought I would know right away. She would instantly be the one. It hadn't happened with Acasia, but my heart thought it was her. Did I feel this way about all my brides? I wasn't sure, but I didn't think so, not this soon.

We flew in silence for another hour.

"Thank you, Bastian," Laryn said as he soared away.

I felt the gentle thrum in my body when he left my territory. Entering my room, I crawled beneath the covers with my new bride. I'd lied to us both and in human years, I didn't have time to keep her unhappy. I would change it the following day. I did love her, and she needed to know.

As the light peeked in the window, my hand smoothed over her lovely rump. She was perfectly rounded in all the right places. She sighed in her sleep and moved a little, giving me better access to more of her delectable flesh. I kissed down one shoulder all the way to her side and continued to her hip. I knew the instant she awoke. She stretched-the lines of her body in perfect symmetry.

"I shall have you for breakfast, my lady." I gave her no chance to deny me. I licked an erotic path to her center, her warm body drawing me to her musky scent at its core. She tasted divine and made the most wonderful sounds as she writhed against my lips. When she was on the brink, I rose above her and slid my cock into her depths. Her tight passage caused me to grit my teeth until finally my balls rested against her heated flesh. I opened my eyes. Her gaze, filled with love, captured me. Before I gave into my need, I fulfilled hers. "I love you, Acasia, and will love you long after you are no longer in my world."

I watched the tears roll from her eyes, but could wait no longer. I pulled out and held her gaze before spearing forward, taking my bride.



He loved me. I already knew it, but hearing him say the words made me deliciously content. At times, I still longed for my family and friends, but managed to shake off the feelings by challenging Bastian to some game or race. My naughty dragon loved to play hide and seek. Of course, I let him win, because he could not control his temper and he'd totally ruin the mood. I didn't care, though, because I wanted him content. I wished to please him in all things, well, all things but chess. Chess was war and I put up with his tantrums when I beat him. I also knew how to get his spirits turned around quickly. Using revealing clothing with sly sexy touches would make him forget his weaknesses in the war game.

Bastian and I rarely argued, but the humans on the other side of the hallway's door were off limits unless Bastian accompanied me, which caused me angst.

"Why, Bastian? There are women who might befriend me."

"You can't communicate with them. I prefer you in my rooms." The tight set of his lips gave him away.

"You are jealous!"

He glared. "You have no business being around human men when I am not present."

"I only want to spend time with women."


That was the end of that conversation, but I stubbornly brought it up whenever I had a chance. He had a large key that opened the door to the human part of his lair, and he accompanied me through the hallways and stairwells taking me down below to his treasure storage rooms. I picked out a few items for our rooms, but having him shadow me took the fun out of treasure hunting.

When we got back, I opened my mouth...

"No, Acasia, I cannot do it. You are mine, and I would be with you when men are around."

Stomping my foot did no good. I stormed off and slammed the bedroom door. My anger melted away when he brought freshly gathered flowers and kissed away my bad mood.

Stubborn dragon.

Every few days he took me out of the lair and we roamed his territory. Today was one of those days. He had a lunch packed and we ate on a soft blanket that doubled as our outside bed. After filling our bellies, we both lay watching the clouds and enjoying the quiet sounds of nature.

"I must go to the earth realm in the next few days." His words had me sitting up.

I didn't want him leaving me alone. Just the thought frightened me, and I wanted to empty my stomach into the grass beside us. "How long shall you be gone?" My voice trembled.

A slight smile touched his lips. "You will come with me. I cannot leave you here alone with Laryn in his current state. I think you will like this place."

My heart calmed and excitement took over. "Can earth humans speak to me when we get there?"

He gave me a grumpy, "Yes," because he disliked my yearning for family and friends. He had his dragon's brethren to converse with, but I only had him. I never mentioned my loneliness, but he knew, because he would start challenging my mind with books or his endless supply of gold and jewels. He loved draping them over me when I was naked.

I lay back down, rolling toward him, and pinched his arm to let him know I knew why he gave me his sour look. "When do we leave?"

"In a few days, but I must warn you it is painful to cross into earth's realm."

Ah, oh. "How painful?"

"You shall survive; I just thought I should warn you so you don't pass out."

That made me smile. "Similar to when you failed to warn me that a red light explodes from us when you reach your peak?"

His tension dissipated as he threw back his head and laughed. "Yes, just like that, silly female."

I sat up over him. "Can we go tomorrow?"

He gave me a look of absolute innocence. "I had planned to wait another day or two, but sometimes I change my mind."

His cock stirred, making me crave other things than travel. I wrapped my hand around the girth, my fingers barely touching each other. I bent over farther, breathing over the tip as I spoke, "Hmm, I would hate to leave you wanting, dragon, but I may be too full from our lunch."

His eyes glowed, red sparks twinkling. "You win, Acasia. We leave tomorrow."

I licked the head and gazed at him. "My hunger is quickly returning and I may need a full meal."

His hips rose from the blanket as he said, "I will feed you dessert after, but by the gods take me in your mouth."

Dragons were so easy.