Chapter 22: Acasia

I woke up in a soft, unfamiliar bed. It took me a few minutes to remember what happened. I looked around. There seemed to be only one room and one bed. I could smell the dragon, but it wasn't my dragon. This was no good.

The door slammed open against the far wall and Laryn entered carrying a stack of wood. There was a fire in the hearth and a cool current of air passed through the room from the open door.

Where the hell was I?

I pulled the covers closer to my neck and waited for Laryn to turn my way.

He didn't smile and his voice was surly. "How do you feel?"

Should I answer?

No, not yet.

He walked closer and I gripped the covering tighter.

It didn't stop him. He grabbed a handful of the material and whipped it from the bed. I screeched involuntarily. The only thing I was thankful for at this moment was I still had my clothing on from earlier. Or yesterday. I had no idea where I was or how long I'd been here.

Tears swelled painfully behind my eyes as I tried to stop them.