Chapter 48: Laryn

Each night that passes and she isn't in my bed, the yearning builds. She shares an hour or two with me before falling asleep. She tries to stay awake. I push her hard during the day for this reason. She's been with me for two weeks now. She's settled so quickly that it feels like two years. In my life the brides are but a blink of time. If just once time would stand still.

She's feisty and funny. Grumpy on occasion and a smart-ass on others. She's not whiny and isn't given to tears. It's refreshing in a bride. I hate to think that Bastian might have the right of it. They come to us with no knowledge of what a new life will hold and worried that they may be a dragon's evening meal. Not that my new bride wanted anything more than to kill me. She is far different than all the others. My little warrior.