I feel him.
It's that same sinister dark cloud of magic I remember from childhood. Drakon has caused nothing but death and heartache to the dragons and our realms. For this, he forfeits his life and will never cause harm again. At least after today.
I look around at my friends and their mates. I understand Sarn's willingness to give up everything for the love of a woman. I will give my life if that's what it takes. Losing my ability to shift would be a very small price.
We each have a job and primary position to guard but I hope to deliver the deathblow. The waiting is the hardest part.
I want to be in the fight but they give me the job of hiding beneath the castle and guarding the egg and children. I'm so close to adulthood I can feel it. It doesn't matter that I have twenty years before I should breathe fire; the heat in my smoke lets me know it's time.
And I'm stuck here while the action takes place above me.