Chapter 72

I spent the next several days on my laptop, wishing I had someone to bounce ideas off of as I scoured the Internet looking for information about vampire hunters. I had to give it to CHENRY77; he was prolific. Scarcely a vampire site did I visit without traces of Christian's presence. Even ones that sounded ridiculous and fake, like the, "My girlfriend and I are vampires. Do you want to be one, too? It's super easy. You will live forever. Just call" types of posts had his signature associated with them in some regard, often in the comments or as an administrator. I would've found it odd that he managed to make his presence known on so many different sorts of boards and chat rooms all across the world if I didn't know the power of persuasion some of my sister's friends had. I'm sure it didn't take much for someone like Elliott to convince the creators of these message boards to surrender their upkeep to Mr. Henry.