Chapter 20

So many thoughts went thundering through Cordia's mind as time seemed to stand still once more. What was she thinking, kissing Will when Jaris was seated not a hundred feet away How could she do such a thing? What if Jaris found out? How would she explain herself to Will, who would obviously be outraged that she should violate him in such a way?

But then, she realized, he was not outraged. He was kissing her back. And then, she felt his arms around her, a smile spreading over her face like none she had ever felt before, and she was kissing him even more passionately.

There was noise behind them, people standing up, getting ready to go, and it brought them back to reality, brought them back to war. He released her then, and she had only a moment to look into those mysterious eyes before she gave his hand a gentle squeeze and turned to walk back toward the others, still feeling the warmth of his lips on hers.

A glance over her shoulder told her Will had gone the other way, which gave Cordia enough time to make it back to the fire undiscovered.

Will stood in the shadow of the shed, trying to collect his thoughts. He had no explanation for what had just happened, what had caused Cordia to act so boldly, but he also knew he didn't really need to understand. Whatever it was that had made her react this way, he was feeling it in his heart as well. He ran his hand along his jawline, the scent of lavender lingering in the air and knew he'd never forget that moment for as long as he lived.

Amazingly, Jaris had not noticed where Cordia came from. Because she was walking toward him, he knew she had left, but he seemed not to even wonder where she had gone. Actually, as he took her hand and started to walk toward his horse, he appeared to be totally at ease with the world. She could not help but ask, "Jaris Adams, what's wrong with you? I have never seen you so content."

He smiled. "I have just realized, my dear, that tomorrow I leave for war. Which means, the next time I see you, it will be when I return for our wedding."

Cordia's eyebrows rose. She hadn't given much thought to that. But then, if that was enough to send him off to battle without a care, then so be it. She smiled at him as they approached Sam. "Is this it then?" she asked. "Will I not see you tomorrow?"

He shook his head. "We pull out at dawn. Which is in just a few short hours." Then he smiled at her, that winning Adams smile that seemed to make him capable of conquering the world. "I will be awaiting word from you. I hope to hear from you as often as possible."

"Of course," she assured him. "I will write everyday if I get the chance. Hopefully, all of my letters will reach you."

He nodded. "It will be your face that gets me through the horrors of war," he said, in a manner that made her realize he had not yet mentally accepted that he was, in fact, going off to war. Even now, on the eve of their leaving, most of these boys still had it in their heads that this was a game. They thought they'd be back in a few weeks. She could not believe it. Nevertheless, now was not the time or place to discuss such matters. Again, she nodded in agreement.

Jaris Adams then leaned over and kissed her lips. She kissed him back, though it was nothing like the kiss she had just shared with Will. "I love you, Cordia," he whispered in her ear.

She squeezed him tightly, and said, "I love you, too Jaris," which was true. She did love him and hoped for his safe return. She would miss him, couldn't imagine going more than a week without seeing his smile, without hearing that gentle laugh of his.

Jaris climbed atop Sam, and then reached down to take her hand. "I'll see you soon," he said.

"God be with you." She looked into his eyes, meaning every word. He kissed her hand, turned his horse, and rode away, pausing just briefly enough to glance back at her from a distance. She was still standing there, watching him ride away. She raised her hand, and he waved back before disappearing down the road.

Cordia continued to stare across the yard long after Jaris had disappeared from sight. Then, she saw something else. It was Will on horseback behind a grove of trees in the woods across the street. She knew he, too, was giving her one last look, one last goodbye before he left for battle. And, unlike Jaris, Cordia knew that Will was aware that this was no game, that this was real. He had seen it firsthand. How she wanted to run across the street, kiss him again, tell him she would think of him every second until his safe return. But, she could hear her mother calling her name behind her. She needed to help clean up the remains of the celebration. Slowly, she raised her hand, placed it on her lips, and blew a kiss across the span that separated them. He tipped his hat to her and watched her turn and walk away.

Will sat atop the hill overlooking the Pikes' yard for a few moments until Cordia's form had disappeared into the shadow of trees near the dying embers of the fire. Again, he was mesmerized by all that had taken place that night. At this point, his life was so full of uncertainties, so full of unknowns. But as he turned his horse to ride back toward the Adams Farm for one last night, there was one thing he was sure of. He would love Cordia Pike until the day he died.