Chapter 33

Cordia's parents and Frieda were dumbfounded hearing her declare she was intending to drive into a war zone.

"Cordia," her mother was saying, "you can't possibly be serious." To look at her, however, they could tell that Cordia was definitely steadfast. She had already gotten two traveling gowns out of the closet and a bag for her essentials.

"Cordia, calm down," her father said, lightly grabbing her arm, in her mind causing a loss of precious time. "You can't just go galloping off to Springfield in the middle of the night. It wouldn't be safe."

"I don't care," she insisted, shaking her arm free. "I'll be fine. I know how to shoot a gun. I'll take one with me. I am not going to sit here for one more minute waiting for someone to tell me that the man I love—or his cousin—is dead!" She turned around and flung open a drawer and began to pack her bag. Her parents were talking to each other quietly, but she didn't take the time to listen to what they were saying.