Chapter 38

It really wasn't that far for Cordia to run from the shed where she'd seen Jaris across the field to the church, but she was running as fast as she could, tears still streaming down her face, pulling the bottom of her gown up she wouldn't trip. By the time she reached the little white building, she was gasping for air. Under normal conditions it would have been difficult, but it was even more challenging for her to regain her breath when all that she sucked in stunk of death. Her side was throbbing, she now realized. She bent over, trying to get enough air so that she could ask someone for help. Finally, she caught her breath enough to get some words out.

A young woman was approaching the church from the general direction that Cordia had come from, though at a much more practical pace. "Excuse me," Cordia said, still panting. "I'm looking for someone."

The young girl's eyes widened. She looked at Cordia as if she thought she were mad. "Yes?" she asked, bewildered.