Chapter 61

The next few hours were a whirlwind of gifts and baked goods, congratulator hugs, followed by a meal, piano playing, and dancing. Cordia was obligated to dance with her new fiancé though it was awkward to say the least, not just because of his missing arm but more so because she could not stand to be held so closely to him. Everyone clapped and cheered, some insisting that the new couple kiss, to which Cordia was able to draw the line, based on her own modesty.

At the end of the evening, the visitors slowly started to file out. Cordia had found her way out to the porch swing, where she was sitting with Susannah, who was going on and on about how unfair it was that Cordia's husband would never have to go off to fight again. Cordia was lost in her own thoughts and barely noticed exactly who was stopping by to tell her they were leaving until Susannah finally stood and hugged her goodbye, her little ones pulling on her skirts as they made their way down the porch steps.