Chapter 78

It was late in the morning when Cordia awoke. Will was no longer next to her, but she could hear him outside. The fire was blazing, and she knew he must have gotten up to tend it and possibly find something to eat. She was suddenly aware that she was famished. She was also aware that she was still undressed, which brought back memories of the night before, bringing a smile to her face. She hurried to pull on her clothes before rushing outdoors to find her husband, and hopefully, an outhouse.

She didn't see Will until after she had finished using the only facility they had available. He was on the other side of the house, chopping wood, and for a moment, she paused to consider how different her life had become since she had watched him perform the same task just the day before. As she approached, he put the ax down and walked toward her, smiling broadly.

"Good morning, Cordia," he said embracing her and kissing her on the forehead.