Chapter 93

Lola Adams was tall, with strawberry-blonde hair that hung well past her waist when it was let down, which it wasn't presently, but the wind caught loose tendrils and whipped them from the bun atop her head, and Hope was careful not to walk too close to her friend for fear of getting entangled in her tresses.

"I don't quite understand what the problem is," Lola said quietly as they headed toward her carriage. Sunday meeting was over, and most everyone was headed to a nice meal with friends and family, these women included. Most Sundays, Hope's folks headed out to Aunt Margaret and Uncle Arthur's home after church, and since Lola had married their grandson, Ben, she would also be there. Lola had been Hope's best friend ever since her family moved to Lamar when she was still wearing pink bows in her hair, and if Hope felt able to confide in anyone in the world, other than her mother, Lola would be that person.