Chapter 95

In all of the years she'd been coming to the Adams Farm, Hope had never walked the grounds. The furthest she could ever remember going was to the barn out back to visit the horses. Knowing her mother used to run through the pastures, past them to the woods, to a little pond, made her curious as to what may lie out there in the pleasant countryside. So after the meal was over, and she'd helped clear the dishes, she decided to take a little stroll.

She hadn't made it too far before she heard her name shouted from the distance. Without turning back, she knew it was Faith, so she slowed her step and waited as her sister rushed to catch up to her. "Where are you going?" She was out of breath by the time she caught up, and Hope almost laughed as she pressed a hand to her side and tried to control her breathing.

"Perhaps you need to get out of the house more," she said, poking fun at her younger sibling.