Chapter 103

Saturday morning, Hope woke up resolved to go speak to Lola. The snow and cold weather, along with the early sunset, had kept her from venturing out into the countryside during the work week, but now that she had a day off, it was time to go deal with at least one of the two items she'd spent most every night worrying over well past the time she needed to go to sleep. Even if she didn't end up going to Texas, at least she'd right the situation with her friend. Maybe then she'd get some rest.

The sun had made an appearance the day before, melting all of the snow, leaving rivulets of water that had refrozen the night before and were already beginning to melt again now that the sun had risen. Hope decided not to take the carriage through the slush and muddy roads. Instead, she saddled her horse, Pixie, and set on her way, bundled against the chill but happy to feel the sun on her face as she rode.