Chapter 148

Judah hurried down the walkway outside of the general store, and Hope stood waiting for him, wishing there weren't so many people nearby. If she was about to talk to the man she'd been avoiding for two months, she'd rather not do it in front of half the town. The last thing she needed was more of a hard time from Brady—or anyone else.

"Tell me about the slates," Judah said, as he caught up to her, his head cocked to the side. "You're teaching without any?"

"Yes," she replied, sighing with frustration. "Mr. Stewart was supposed to order them when I first arrived, but something tells me this is all just a ruse to appease me. I didn't have any books either. Still don't have enough. Mr. Canton has been a godsend in getting me what he can. The children need slates." She pushed back a loose curl that threatened to catch in her mouth and placed her hands on her hips the best she could with her belongings still in her grasp. "No one seems to care what the children need."