Chapter 151

"What in the world is that?" Nita inquired as she opened the front door, a large smile on her face.

Hope didn't tarry. "Just a gift from a student." She brushed past and headed right up the stairs, leaving Nita to inquire of her son what had taken place. Nicholas could tell her whatever he liked, but Hope needed to be out of their presence for a while. She hoped Doc wouldn't stay for dinner. Something told her this was the last time he'd give her a ride home.

In her room, she set the hatbox on a shelf in the tiny closet and then took a seat on the edge of the bed. She could hear Doc and Nita were talking, though she had no idea what they were saying. Neither of them sounded particularly happy. Hope ran her hands up her face and then smoothed her hair back. It was days like this when she wished her mother was close by.