Chapter 153

Hope was headed up the bank steps to see Mr. Stewart when she saw the father of one of her students coming down.

Deputy Neil Forester worked for Sheriff Roan—at his day job, not in the saloon—and he always had a polite word for Hope. His daughter, Jessica, would be starting the third grade in a few weeks. "Howdy do, Miss Tucker?" the deputy asked. "Sure is a hot one today, ain't it?"

"Deputy, it's nice to see you," she said with a friendly smile. "It surely is. But then, most every day's been a hot one since I arrived in Texas."

"Well, we could hardly tell you it was this hot or else you might notta come," he joked, good naturedly patting her arm. "Jess sure is excited about school a'startin'."

"Her and me both," Hope replied. "I saw her on the playground the other day. She's gotten tall this summer."

"Taller and smarter. She's been readin' every book she can get her hands on, thanks to you, Miss Tucker."