Chapter 164

"Nice to see you, too, Miss Tucker," Judah laughed, having discerned her comment, no doubt.

Hope shook her head, unable to control the smile that played at her lips. "It is nice to see you, Mr. Lawless. You see, that's the problem, now isn't it?"

He snickered at her again but didn't comment. "What brings you out here?"

"I don't suppose Ginny's around is she?" She wanted to peer past him into the foyer but stopped herself.

"I'm afraid not," he replied, leaning on the doorjamb. "She went into town with her mama and George."

"Of course she did." Hope sighed, thinking she should've left well-enough alone. "Was she looking for this?" She held up the book.

"Amongst other things," he nodded. "You come all the way out here to bring her a book?"