Ran folded her arms across her chest. She examined Caph's appearance properly for the first time since her outburst.
He was drenched from shifting and still panting hard, as though he had run across the continent at record speed. (She really guessed it randomly.)
There was a frantic light in his eyes, a wild fear, a startling insecurity and uncertainty.
What happened? Had she really been so preoccupied analysing Dingo's intentions all week that she missed some incident happening in her own pack?
'Did something happen? Where have you been?'
Caph took another step forward, lowering his head to rest it on her shoulder.
He was really going to hug her. He wasn't joking.
She let him.
His sticky arms encircled her and she was enveloped in an uncomfortable heat.
She let him because of the tired energy he exuded.