Chapter 27: Can We Not Use Your Usual Foolproof Method?

For a long time, his words continued to slide off her brain like raindrops on the windshield.

Was he stupid?

How could Caph be with his bonded mate right now?

He had refused to go back to the manor, so right now, he was stuck in Acamar's truck with her.

Wait, what?

They were the only ones on this winding country road.

Confusion buzzed, sounding very much like rain on old metal.

'You think it's me?' Her voice was incredulous.

Caph smiled his infuriating casual smile. 'Yes. It's you.'

Lightning flashed across the sky. She stepped on the accelerator with unnecessary force.

The truck jolted forward.

They should try to reach Saxton before the storm got worse.

'Not possible,' she said at last, eyes never leaving the road. She tried to make out lights from the human city in the distance by squinting. (She couldn't.)

'Why not?' he asked.