Type of woman.

"What kind of girl is your type?"

That was an interesting question. What type of girl was best? There were several ways of thinking about this. You could think about girls who have good physical features such as big breasts or a big bottom. However big isn't always good. The shape is what matters in this situation. You could have big breasts but have a horrible shape which puts me off.

You could go the personality route which was a big considering factor. I have a thing for particularly shy girls who are just the cutest things in the world. There are red-flags when looking at girls. If she treats waitstaff poorly. In general, being mean to others should be a pretty good sign on how they will treat you in the future. The problem is girls are incredibly good at hiding all the good stuff about themselves and only reveal it when you get into a relationship with them.

Of course, I've never spoken to many women in my life most of my knowledge based around this topic came from cheesy movies.

Though my answer was pretty simple.

"I like women who can cook."

In general, women who could look after me. I see myself as someone who's fragile so I need a strong woman to take care of me. Maybe that's just my wanting for a mother figure in my life but it's what I want.

"Same answer as last time. How have you been? I can see that you haven't been out at all so you've probably stayed in here the entire time right?"

My skin was incredibly pale. Sunlight was a luxury for me since I didn't go out much. I made sure to cut my hair since I wasn't a fan of long hair so that was looking quite neat. I wore the clothes that were available to me which was old traditional Kimonos

"Well It's not like I have much to do outside Yuki-chan."

She just showed up at my house one day. I don't know who she was but she always asked me the same question. She was nice enough to make small talk with me and ask me how I felt. I'm pretty sure she knew what happened to my parents but she didn't care much.

I know she can ride a motorbike since she forced to come out on a ride with her. This obviously translated into her clothing style which gave her a biker look. She wore leather jackets and riding goggles.

"Tch I'm your elder be more respectful."

"How about you act like an adult. Where did you go this time, Germany?" I knew she had a thing for travelling and that's why she took big gaps between our meetings.

"Russia actually. You'd be surprised at how cold it can get." She complained.

"Russia huh? That sounds like a nice place. Moscow seems like a nice place to live in. Did you see Saint Basil's cathedral?" I asked.

"Of course not. I just got drunk with these villagers I found and exorcised a few curses along the way." She laughed.

"That seems disappointing. What are you here for anyway? I'm sure you don't want to just see how I am."

"The academy seems to have got an interest in you and your cursed technique. Though that partially may have something to do with a loose tongue of mine. They want you to attend."

"Oh really? My cursed technique? That's sensitive information you know?"

"Well only one person knows and you can trust him."

"I guess that's fine. When do we leave?"


I didn't really care about the short notice since I knew it was going to happen at some point within this year.

I stood up off my desk and grabbed my Kasa. (Just a traditional straw hat.) I took the purple katana of the display wall and followed Yuki.


"This place looks as dead as it dead all those years ago. If I had a say in this It'd be more Vibrant."

"When did you become an artist? The school has been around for hundreds of years, it keeps that old school look as a part of its history." She explained.

"Sounds boring."

"It is. Why do you think I never stay around here? This place bores me to no end. But the new crops of students this year are quite good. Satoru Gojo is the one you should keep up with. He'll probably be the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer since the golden age of Jujutsu."

"He sounds interesting. I wonder what kind of cursed technique he has."

"That's public knowledge. Your technique is a special case since it was covered up. He can bring infinity to reality. As you get close to him, you get slower. It's like Achilles and the tortoise thing."

"Whew, that sounds impossible to get by."

"We're here. I'll leave you here to get familiar with yourself. I have a flight to London to catch. See ya, Yasushi " Yuki said as she ran away from the school.

"What a troublesome woman." I turned around and I was met by an unfamiliar face.

It was a girl.

"You're the new student, right? I'm Shoko Ieri, It's a pleasure to meet you" She bowed.

"Uh, I'm Kojima Yasushi. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

"You don't speak to many people, do you? You speak like an old man."

Crap. She saw through me. My attempt at a social confrontation was seen through.

"I guess I don't speak to many people." I laughed while scratching my palm.

"So we have someone who's anti-social. All of us first years are weird." She laughed.

Shoko led me to a classroom where a very familiar old man was waiting along with 2 students.

"Ah, Yasushi how nice of you to join us." The old man said

"So this is the new student. A very interesting traditional piece of clothing." The black-haired student said.

"Thank you for having me, my name Is Kojima Yasushi."

"You've already met Shoko, this is Suguru and Gojo."

So the student with the glasses was Gojo. He hadn't said anything so far which put me on edge a bit.

"Those gloves. They aren't for aesthetic are they?" Gojo asked.

"I'm glad you asked Gojo. Yasushi must wear his gloves to limit his cursed technique."

"What does that mean Masamichi sensei?" Shoko asked.

"Let me show you a demonstration." I took off my right glove and the air and the room felt heavier.

I took one finger and touched a table and immediately the table was crushed and there was a huge crater around it.

I took off my left glove and touched Shoko. Once my hand left her shoulder she began to float.

"That is what is meant. The gloves stop the full effect of my cursed technique. I can still use it with the gloves but it isn't as strong."

"You destroyed the class on your first day. You'll have to pay for that you know?" Masamichi said.
