Taste a Sun

On the bottom are the Ampheras insects which can produce different materials trough energy absorbed from the lightning veins.

It took ages till I manage to grasp the process, but I finally succeeded.

The Ampheras transform energy into matter and this matter is used to form their shells.

The Ampheras have many different sub-species which produce different materials.

I plant them on all levels and through the different quality of energy on the levels they also produce different quality of materials.

With the groundwork done I was able to be more freely with my next creation.

The Insetras.

The Insertas are the common race as they have the strongest reproduction ability and can survive with energy alone.

Insertas can also grow stronger through the consumption of materials from the shells of Ampheras.

Sadly, my achievement in the research of intelligence hasn't advanced much so it was just enough to give the Insertas the instinct of eating and reproducing.

But this won't stop me from continuing my research.

I create a few hundred thousand Insertas and put them on the first layer of the planet which I call Base-1.

The Ampheras had some time to accumulate materials on their shells so there shouldn't be much problems with the arrival of the Insertas.

I observe my creations for a while and solve some of their flaws.

Through the observation of the first type I was able to upgrade my blueprints by a lot and it is around time to replace the old ones with the new ones.

I use my lightning to fry all the first generation Insertas on the planet and prepare to create the new generation.

Then I realize that I just committed genocide.


I should have left some to keep tab on their evolution.

Anyway, I shift my focus back to the repopulation of Base-1 and ignore the terrible deed that I have committed.

The second generation is much better, they manage to form some basic instincts and even began forming nests.

The Insertas also manage to mutate and advance in strength which the first Gen. didn't manage to achieve.

I completely immersed myself in the evolution and creation of my species.

The time flies by and I continue my project.

Then it happened and Gen-345 finally produced an intelligent life.

He is a Gen-345 Isertas who has managed to mutate twice and both times it was a mutation focusing on the brain.

From the information's that I gathered, he is called Clackze if you translate it.

Clackze is the leader of the Semkaf nest which is one from twenty nests on Base-1.

I of course immediately scanned him and saved his blueprint, but this time I won't just eradicate all life and put the next generation down.

This time I'm going to place the new Generation 346 on one of the deeper layers.

The first 345 Generations of Insertas only managed to reach the fourth layer and there are overall thirty layers on Base-1.

With that I place Gen-346 on the sixth layer after small changes in appearance and reproduction capabilities.

Done with that I continue to watch how my project grows.

After another hundred generations I repeat the process and place the best specimen on the deeper layers and wait again.

This continued for a while till I suddenly got distracted by a piece of rock and metal.

I lock up from my planet and in the direction of the universe created by the big bang only to be meet by a colorful mess of stars and planets.

It seems that my project took long enough for the universe to calm down and form stars and planets.

Fascinated by the colorful display I remember that there are still other things I can do.

With this I look back at Base-1 and start making a system so that it won't destroy itself.

Once finished I encase the whole planet in a unbreachable membrane and some alarm formations.

Finished with that I make my way to the nearest galaxy to observe and research it.

Once close enough I focus on one of the stars and try to read its information.

I fail.

After confirming that I am unable to read its information I reach out with my hand and grab the sun.

But instead of pain I only feel its warmth and the texture is kind of like liquid.

Out of pure curiosity I throw the little star in my mouth and try to taste it.

To my surprise it tastes really good like warm honey pudding.

I swallow the sun and feel the warmth spreading inside my stomach.

Then a powerful force made its way up my throat and escapes my mouth.


I sigh in satisfaction and grab another sun.