My New Domain

With my question as trigger the other gods start showing their feelings on the matter.

Two of the evil faction have expressions of rage on their faces while another one has an insane smirk and the last one giggles behind a raised hand.

Stella and a short and hairy guy are laughing without trying to hide it, a red-haired man has pure rage written all over his face while the guy to his left shows an ice-cold visage that didn't change since the beginning.

Interesting was the expression of the woman on the right side of the fiery guy.

She stares at my throne with stars in her eyes.

The reactions in the righteous faction are rather disappointing.

They all have a disapproving look in their eyes and seem to refuse to give me the satisfaction of annoying them.

After my little show, the present gods start to introduce themselves.

In the righteous faction are following.

Arteus, god of Justice:

Semera, goddess of Humanity.

Waldrun, god of Light.

Mera, goddess of Love.

Daves, god of Elves.

Gurella, goddess of Nature.

And in the neutral faction:

Stella, goddess of Storms.

Marek, god of dwarfs.

Helene, goddess of Fairy's.

Jahwe, god of Fire.

Kalim, god of Ice.

Finally, the evil faction:

Zeta, goddess of Undeath.

Emro, god of Nightmares.

Luren, goddess of Blood.

Taurus, god of War.

After their introduction, Gurella the goddess of nature waved her arm and created a very detailed map in the middle of the table.

On the map I was able to make out four different continents.

Two big ones, one that is around half their size and lastly one that measures a third of the big ones.

Their positions and names are as follows.

At the west side of the map is one big continent with the name {Berun}, in the middle is the smallest one called {Vexon} while the middle-sized continent {Scafram} is placed in the south-east corner and lastly the other big one{Barlem} is in the north-east corner.

There're still lots of small islands scattered through the waters that separate the four continents but they're all rather small.

From teir explanation, each god has a small domain in which he can interfere and spread his influence.

Of course, where this domain is located gets decided by the righteous faction.

"Your domain will be located on Scafram, but you have to discuss the exact location with Marek, Jahwe and Taurus." Arteus says.

I look at the respective gods. Then I lift my hand and create a small needle of darkness above Scafram on the map and let her pierce on the north most point of Scafram.

None of the three gods makes a move to stop me from claiming this area, and so it was decided that this will become my domain from now on.

I must confess that I'm rather exited to start transforming my domain into an outpost for my Inertas that are still evolving on Base-1.

So, I don't continue sitting on my incredible comfortable fluff-throne and stand up to make my way out of the hall.

None of the righteous faction stopes me so I conclude that I have no restrictions at the start of my domain.

After stepping out of the gate, I move to Scafram on the big blue ball of a planet.

The travel time is very short as I'm able to travel between galaxies to begin with.

Arriving by my domain, I only see large rock formations and as harp cliv that leads into the ocean.

Luckily for me it doesn't matter as my Insertas are able to survive in much worser environments, like for example on a ball of darkness without an atmosphere or protection of cosmic radiation.

Chuckling to myself I shift my focus to one of my many beacons that I placed on Base-1 and open a pathway to my current location.

And so, a black portal manifests in front of me, and shortly after a head made its way through.

The head has two long antennas and black compound eyes, at each side of his mouth are powerful mandibles while the mouth itself is filled with many sharp teeth's.

Of courser the whole head is encased in a very durable exoskeleton of dark blue color.

I look surprised at the head of this twentieth layer Inserta as I noticed something that I missed out before.

The size.

The head of this Inserta is around two meters wide and one and a half high.

"Damn!" I say out loud from surprise of my unexpected error.

But in the end I doesn't matter so I reach out with my mental energy and invade the mind of this creature, once inside I begin to erase its consciousness and replace it with an artificial intelligence probe that I used to control and manage Base-1.

With the AI in place I start feeding it with instructions and information's about its mission.

Once finished I watch how the head of my puppet retracts back through the portal to execute my instructions.

I nod a that and shift my focus to the creation of the foundation of my great plan.