Chapter 35 - Testing the Waters

Chapter 35

Testing the Waters

"I advise against you going up to the surface. You are needed here!" Allura protested. "She won't be of much use if she will be sitting in bed all day breathing on gills that haven't fully recovered yet." Keanu rebuked. "All she wants to do is see that boy up from the surface. She has bigger things to worry about down here!" Allura argued once more. "Who cares? Whatever the reason, she needs to go up there and not use her gills. I am treating her, and as her involuntary caretaker, I say my orders are for her to go up there for a week!"

"How can you say such things if you are a mer? Haven't you learned anything from history?" "Yeah, I've been up there numerous of times, and I know a lot of them don't even know we exist anymore. She's fine."

"You are such a fool." Allura snarled. "And you are sentencing her to another bout of this again if she stays down here." Keanu snapped back. "Alright that's enough! Allura, I know you mean well for the mer population, but Keanu is right, I can hardly breathe even with my tube taken out. Besides, that visit will have to wait, I have a sense that some company is coming to see me, and they think I don't know it by now."

"Wait, you're saying somebody is coming here to see you?" Keanu asked. "They're on the road now, and from the traveling speed and location, they should be here in three days' time." Amelia explained. "I sense it too, see? This is why she is needed for potential guests that are going to talk about the benefits of our kingdom," Allura said rubbing it in.

"Look, as soon as they leave, I'll go up to the surface like you asked. I miss my boyfriend just as much as you want me to go up there." Amelia said persuading him. Keanu thought it over and sighed in annoyance. "Alright, you are to not exert yourself. Do not swim if needing to go somewhere. Stay within these walls of the castle. As soon as they leave, you are going up there, understood?" Keanu barked these orders to her. "Clearly."

The day came when Amelia expected to have visitors come to the Aula. Rimulus became frantic in getting everything prepared for them to arrive. "Rimulus, slow down, what's the rush?" Lynae asked. "No time to talk, must prepare for important guests," "Who?" Haruto asked. "I don't know, my lady said she had a vision that they were in a carriage with some horse like creatures hauling it."

"But she's still recovering, how is she going to meet them?" Lynae asked. "Allura has a plan to hide her hindering signs." Rimulus explained. "Speak of the devil, here comes Coronum Reginae herself." Haruto said catching his attention on Amelia being escorted down by Allura and Keanu.

"You're insane if you think she has the stamina to meet these people!" Keanu heaved as he had one of Amelia's arms. "Will you stop grumbling, and help me get her on her throne?" Allura scolded him. "I'll be happy once you two stop arguing, it has to happen regardless as much as I am hesitant about it." Amelia chided.

As they place her on her throne, Keanu commented once more. "I find this amusing as this child is sitting in a place that demands respect and dignity." "Show some respect for your Coronum Reginae, peasant!"

"Can one of you two shut them up so I can focus clearly?" Amelia said looking at Lynae and Haruto. "Actually, I find it amusing that Allura has met her match," Lynae sneered at Allura's struggle. Amelia then eyed Haruto knowing he was the only one sensible enough to do something. "Alright, you two, get it together in the name of your Coronum Reginae and myself, Regno of Oceanus,"

"You're a king to the Pacific?" Keanu asked in disbelief. "Of course he is, he is the reincarnate of Scirocco, Prince of Wind and Change, our founding father to our ability to control the waves." Allura boasted. "I need a smoke," Keanu said holding his head in his hand.

"Alright, just like how we rehearsed, no casual talk, remember your postures and gestures especially you three as royal beings to the seven seas." Rimulus instructed them as he steadied himself to go out to the gates. "May I ask why you are here?" Rimulus asked greeting the carriage. "We're here to request an audience with Coronum Reginae." The merman declared. "May I have your names in which I may address you and to Coronum Reginae?" Rimulus asked once more.

"My name is Lord Conway of Labrador Mare, and this is my wife Lady Wynnifred." Conway answered. "Of course, we've been expecting for your arrival Lord and Lady of Labrador, follow this way and a stable mer will tend to your steer." Rimulus bowed as he escorted them inside the walls. As the other servants opened the door, Conway and Wynnifred looked at one another amazed that they knew they were coming. Rimulus halted feet away from Amelia sitting at her throne bowing to her. "I present to you, Lord Conway and Lady Wynnifred of Labrador Mare," Rimulus announced. Amelia nodded in gratefulness to Rimulus.

"Your Highness, forgive us as this may be short notice. But we've heard of your existence, and we came to bear witness ourselves if the rumors were true." Conway said kneeling with his head bowed alongside with Wynnifred. "You may rise, and it was no short notice. I sensed you were coming in this direction with this intention, but I gladly thank you for your honesty for coming forward with your intentions." Amelia said with regality.

"So the rumors were true, you really are the reincarnate of the once Coronum Reginae Cirra of Dreams?" Lady Wynnifred spoke. "Indeed I am, Lady Wynnifred. Now that I have satisfied your curiosity, please tell me what your intentions are of wishing an audience with me?"

"We've come bearing gifts if you would follow me to the courtyard, it waits for your eyes to see for yourself." Conway said wishing for her to follow him. As Amelia tried to stand up, Rimulus came rushing to assist her, but Amelia held her hand up declining the assistance.

As Amelia swam towards the courtyard, she could hear thoughts from familiar faces. "Damn, as much as this kid is a pain in the ass, she sure knows when to toughen it out." Then she listens to another, "That's right, Amelia, show that lord and lady what you're made of," "Please let her be alright, by gods, please let her be able to swim," Rimulus pleaded in his thoughts.

As they make it to the courtyard, Conway revealed four white beautiful creatures standing in front of her. "Are those...?" Lynae asked. "These are our finest hippocamps, Your Highness. A gift to solidify our recognition as our Coronum Reginae of Atlantica." Conway declared. "I thought these were extinct?" Keanu asked him. "They were, but we managed to save the last female and male. We're known for our breeding of fine hippocamps fit to be ridden by the finest riders, and fit to haul any fine wagon or coach. This is our banner to prove what we are known for." Conway presented a small banner of silver and blue colors with a white hippocamp in a regal stance.

A stable mer grabbed the reins of the hippocamps leading them into the stables. "You've must have had a long journey, come, we shall go into the dining hall and feast." Amelia spoke. Rimulus followed suit and went into the kitchens to gather the food waiting for them. After everyone was seated, the dishes were brought out by Rimulus. The food was prepared delicately fit for royalty. As they dined on the variety of seafood and kelp, Conway spoke up, "Forgive me, who are you two again?" he said as he gestured to Haruto and Lynae. "I'm Lynae, reincarnate of Eira and queen of Arktis." Lynae introduced herself. "And I am Haruto, reincarnate of the princeps of wind and change and ruler of Oceanus." Haruto spoke up.

"Is this so, Your Highness?" Conway asked Amelia. "You dare question my word?" Lynae said feeling offended. "Lynae, that's enough. Yes, they are who they say they are. Shaasak of Samudra and reincarnate of Lachlan is in her region filling in on some of her duties over there." Amelia explained. "The reincarnate is a she?" Wynnifred asked. "She is indeed, but she is as just and fearsome as much as Lachlan was,"

"Incredible, what's the reincarnate of Ember like?" Conway asked bluntly in excitement. "We don't know. He or she has not been found yet." Amelia said with sadness in her voice. "But we are on a quest in finding them to bring harmony back into the seven seas." Haruto interjected.

"I have no doubt you'll find them soon, and I trust you will be able to fulfill your goals to provide peace and harmony," Conway commended. "Thank you, Lord Conway, have you any children?" Amelia asked. "Three daughters and an infant son, Your Highness." "My, what a lovely family you must have." Amelia commented. They continued on with their conversation as they finished their meals.

As the day winded down, the couple started getting ready to go back to their home in Labrador. "It was a pleasure to meet you Lord and Lady of Labrador Mare." Amelia said bowing her head. "Likewise, Your Highness." Conway said bowing to her. "It'll be an honor to serve you at your council when you beckon me for business regarding Atlantica's future."

As they walked away, Amelia was able to hear their rendering thoughts they had about her."She's not as scary as I imagined she would be, but one can never be too careful to prevent history repeating itself." "Wait until I tell the girls at home that I met the Coronum Reginae of Atlantica, they will be so excited."

Amelia sighed in relief as they left for their home, but was sort of disappointed at Conway's reaction. "I figured I would get that impression." Amelia muttered herself aloud. "Something wrong, my lady?" Rimulus asked. "Oh, nothing, Rimulus, I was just thinking to myself."

"When you get done doing that, would you mind going back to bed? Tomorrow I'm escorting you up shore as promised." Keanu interjected.

"Right, of course,"

As Amelia made her way up, Allura stopped her in her tracks. "My lady, I strongly advise you not to put your trust in this human. They cannot be trusted." "Allura, not everyone is as scheming as the humans from before." Amelia said attempting to reassure her. "And that is what I was afraid you would say. I thought you would know better." Allura scolded her.

Then Amelia scowled at her and spoke in a firm tone, "This conversation is over. Goodnight." Keanu then continued to support Amelia as they made their way into her bed chambers. Rimulus followed behind them.

As Allura stammered at Amelia's reaction, Lynae and Haruto looked at each other knowing something was up. Before they could speak, they heard a commotion from the outside and Rimulus swam swiftly toward the door. "Why in gods' name would she show up this late at this hour?" Rimulus grumbled.

"She?" Haruto looked at Lynae in search for answers. Lynae swam swiftly after Rimulus hoping she would find the person here to be who she wanted. Her hopes were confirmed as she heard her voice in the distance, "I built these walls with my bare hands, and I sure as hell can take them down the way I brought them up if you do not let me pass!"

"Meredith!" Lynae cried out as she swam to the gate. Rimulus gestured to the guards to lower the gates. Lynae came hugging her sister in a tight grip. Then she punched her in the arm. "Are you insane?! You could have gotten yourself sick from swimming swiftly in the changing currents like that!" "I could have? Wait, is Amelia sick?" Meredith asked. "Yeah, she caught Lamellitis while you two were swimming to Alearabia! Don't ever do that again you hear?" Lynae scolded her. "I'm sorry, I had no idea. That explains why she had to take a couple of rest stops on our trip. Is she alright? Can I see her?" Meredith asked.

"Right now, she's resting, but right now, I'm glad you're okay. But there is something we need to discuss, but not here at the Aula, somewhere else." Lynae said in a hushed tone looking around. "Is everything alright?" Meredith asked. "I'll explain when we get there. Haruto, you come too since you're involved in this as much as I am." Lynae instructed as Haruto was seen paces away from them.

As they swam away from the Aula and into a secluded area, Meredith, Lynae, and Haruto settled themselves before discussing any further. After they were settled, Lynae began to open up. "There's something that's been going on, and we need your help." Lynae looked at her pleadingly. "Why? Is this about Amelia or Allura?" "Sadly, the latter this time." Haruto intervened. "What are you talking about? What has Allura done this time to piss Lynae off." "I've been watching Allura's body language, and the way she has been behaving lately. There's something she is not telling Amelia or any of us for the matter. Plus, the way Amelia shut her down is showing tension between the two." Haruto explained. "Are you sure Lynae isn't on a witch hunt on her again?" Meredith asked. "Believe me, I think your sister is on point this time with her. I hate to say this but there is something else that she could be involved with." Haruto continued on.

"What could she be involved in? Influencing Amelia for her own powerful gain?" Meredith asked. "Worse." Haruto said with a grimaced look on his face. Then Lynae intervened. "We may think she is participating or soliciting blood magic." "Blood magic? Come again?" Meredith looked at them confused. "Yeah I had that same reaction. Blood magic is magic that can be used to gain power, youth, and more depending on what you ask for in exchange for another person's blood. Usually the amount is to the point of taking another one's life." Lynae explained further.

"That's insane! This can't be legal!" Meredith protested. "It's not, it's against one of the ancient mer laws according to Haruto. Usually the penalty for the solicitor or the magician is death if found guilty."

"But right now, we have no such evidence to back up our claim to take Allura on trial." Haruto stated. "But what about the body?" Lynae asked. "The what?!" Meredith exclaimed in shock. "Allura would have already disposed of it by now, wiping the magician's memory, or who knows what else she's capable of doing."

"So why did you ask me here then?" Meredith asked. Lynae then came over to whisper into Meredith's ear on the plan she had in mind. After she was finished with Meredith, Haruto spoke up. "Now you see why?" Haruto asked.

"Sort of, so, how do we get the ball rolling on this?" Meredith asked.

Back on the shoreline, Eddie was waiting for Amelia to wash up on shore alongside with Keanu and Allura escorting her. With no one in sight, the three came up and Eddie rushed in to drag her on land. "Careful, human, she's been out of action for awhile." Allura instructed him. "It's Eddie," Eddie said looking annoyed. "Such a charmer, aren't you, Enchantress?" Keanu said teasing her.

After they found a place and the three mer gained their legs again, Eddie, Keanu, and Allura were chatting along to keep Eddie in the loop of things going on. "So she contracted this Lamellitis which is like bronchitis but on gills?" Eddie asked. "Pretty much," Keanu nodded dismissively. "And you're trusting me on making sure she gets better?" Eddie asked further. "Not the wisest choice." Allura huffed. "But the ONLY choice." Keanu reminded her. "Alright, so you basically know our secret for awhile and I trust you've been keeping it that way?" Keanu asked. "Like I have a choice. I work at a fishing dock. If I mention anything to them about a merman or a mermaid, they'll be going crazy looking for you all."

"Fair enough. Alright, Amelia-" Keanu was interrupted by Allura clearing her throat. "I mean, Your Highness, you're here for a week and when that time comes, we'll come by to pick you up. Until then, do what Eddie instructs you to do, and don't go into the water until it is time for your return. Understood?" Keanu glared at Amelia. "Yeah, got it."

"Got anything else you want to add, gloom and doom?" Keanu asked Allura. She remained silent verbally and telepathically giving Amelia a disapproving look. After that moment, they both go back underwater leaving the two alone once more.

"What is her deal?" Eddie asked. "She doesn't approve of our relationship." Amelia answered. "Because I'm human and you're not?" Eddie asked. "Exactly. I don't want to waste another breath on her any more while I'm up here. I've missed you." Amelia said looking at him with her lustful eyes. "As have I, my queen," Eddie said jokingly while kissing her hand lingeringly.

After having some intimate moments of rekindling together, Eddie and Amelia were snuggling with one another. Then Eddie broke the silence, "Call me selfish, but I want to keep you here a bit longer than that Keanu guy intended for you to stay."

"I do as well. These visits up to the surface are becoming tiring." Amelia sighed. "Do you really have to live underwater to rule Atlantica?" Eddie asked once more. "What are you saying?" Amelia questioned while her eyes lit up knowing full well what he was asking.

"I know you can read my thoughts, but I'll say it anyway. Will you..." As he was cut off, Amelia jumped on him hugging tightly. "Oh my gosh, Eddie, you have no idea how happy I am you would ask me that!" Then she slowly came to the realization that the idea of moving in with Eddie would complicate things further as she pulled herself away from Eddie. How would she explain to her subjects on why she no longer resides in the Aula? How could she tell Rimulus, Haruto, Lynae, and Meredith about all of this?

"What's wrong? You were all excited and now you're upset? You're not overthinking on your decision are you?" Eddie asked. "I can't help it. No one except Allura knows I'm not full mer. They don't know that I lived up here majority of my life living like a normal human. "I wish I had a little mer in me so we didn't have to be apart like this." Eddie said looking sadly into her eyes feeling guilty. "You can't help it like I couldn't help the fact I am mer." They fell silent once more. "I guess it could be worse, you could have had a permanent tail like in the books and not be able to walk on land with me." Eddie said smirking sadly as he placed his hand on her lap thinking of that thought.

"But those are fairy tales, this is reality. I'm able to breathe water and walk on land. I just have to be cautious around rainy days though." Amelia mentioned and then had an idea. "I think I know how to solve both of our problems."

Amelia then asked Eddie to take her to his place where she would later reveal what she had in mind.