Rehabbing in a Riott (A Ruby Riott Tale)

Rehabbing in a Riott

The doctor left the room and you broke down. How. How could this happen to you. You were scheduled for surgery in a few hours and we're going to be off the road and unable to wrestler for up to at least a year. If you were lucky and everything went well, maybe you could return in 10 months. The ACL and MCL had both been completely ripped and shredded after a horrible botched fall from a ladder spot during a championship match. You knew finishing the match made it worse, but you couldn't let your last image on tv be a match stopped by injury. But the extra damage made the injury worse and you were going to be away from what you loved. And this was heartbreaking. Surgery took about eight hours and you were doped up and hazy for weeks before being discharged. You were in crutches and had a wheelchair to get about and had seen a variety of people and even had a phone call with Vince who praised your diligence and passion for finishing the match. Then there was a period where everything sucked. The painkillers were flowing and the depression was real. What were you going to do if this injury didn't go right. What was life when you weren't going to be able to live the one you wanted for the next year? You got a message from Ruby, your closest friend in the road and who really had come through for you during this time. She was off the road for a few weeks as they didn't have any storyline plans for her and so she was coming to stay with you for the next month or so. You had an extra room that she could stay in and she was a joy to be around so when she showed up a few hours later you offered to help her get her stuff in but she brushes you off. 

Ruby: Seriously? you damn cripple, sit your ass down. 

You didn't wanna admit that hurt your pride but you laughed and went back to your couch as she took about ten minutes to get all of her things moved into the apartment before she eventually came and sat beside you and gave you a long and comforting hug before she pulls away and moved her neon green hair from her face as she asks 

Ruby: How are you doing? Seriously. 

You took a deep breath. And told her everything you could without breaking down in front of her. You weren't going to do that. She looked at you and her intense eyes always seemed to be scanning and judging but even with her resting bitch face, there was a softness there that made you feel better. She touches your injured knee and the painkillers were working as it didn't hurt to the touch like it normally did. 

Ruby: You're such a badass you know that? Everyone knows what you sacrificed to finish that match, dude. Everyone. You're going to come back and Vince is gonna push you to the moon for that. You just watch man. 

Y/N: When you got injured did you get pushed when you came back? 

Ruby: I'm different. I'm not a Becky or a Charlotte or even Alexa. I'm not viewed as a star the way you are now. 

Y/N: Don't say that..

Ruby: It's true though. I know my place. Maybe I get a pity run for one of the titles but I know I'm not someone they view as a star...I don't have the looks even though I have the skills.

Y/N: It's bullshit.

Ruby: It's the truth. 

Y/N: it doesn't mean it's rjfhty, Ruby. 

Ruby: I won't argue with you about that. 

She traces along your knee to see your reaction and you wince a bit but don't let on. 

Ruby: How's the rehab going?

Y/N: Tough. Tough but it's going. I'm not bionic, so a long road ahead. 

Ruby: You'll get there. 

She looks at you and turns a bit as you can see some color flush from her face as you could feel her pressing against you as she whispers softly

Ruby: I've missed you…

She lays her head against your chest and you wrapped your arm around her and just held her as even this felt nice. The comfort of a friend even if you're the one being the comforter. 

Y/N: I've missed you, Ruby. 

Ruby: You don't get it…

Y/N: I get it. 

Ruby: Those months on the road together...all the time...before you got hurt...they meant alot to me. Being away from you and knowing your hurting hasn't been easy. Liv thinks it's pathetic but I don't care what her bitch ass thinks. I just..(hands gripping your shirt) I need you…

She looks up and kisses you quick and fast, you hold the kiss for a long moment as she runs her hand down and over your crotch as you knew she would, your cock bulging against the shorts as she moans and pulls away asking 

Ruby: Are you going to know…?

Y/N: I'm going to be no matter what. I need you…

Ruby: Mmm I need me take these off then. 

She grips at your shorts and helps take them off as you leaned up and groaned a bit as any weight on the leg hurt but you helped get them off and you were wearing any underwear as you hadn't in a few weeks. Ruby moves off of the couch and takes her hair back as she spits into her hand and takes a hold of your large prick as you knew you had one of the biggest cocks in the locker room. She smirked as she just admired how hard you were, the smoothness of how thick the shaft was a d the big balls that hung below, the fat tip she loved to suck and lick over and as she used both hands to stroke your dick as she then began to run her  tongue pierced tongue along your dick hole before she sucked on the tip and stroked at the same time, the big suction sounds as she worked her hands faster was making you groan as you felt an orgasm building already as it had been a while since you had anyone touching you that wasn't yourself. She could feel your throbbing and lowered a hand to your balls as she massages them and kept stroking as she sucked over the tip and then began to bob herself up and along over five inches, suctioning and licking her tongue k circles before she slurped up and kisses the tip as she says in a hushed voice

Ruby: Come on babe...cum in my mouth...I need you, feed me baby...feed me…

Ruby sucks you down again over and over, the specific suction over your tip as the hands worked your shaft and massaged your balls was too much and you bucked your hips a bit and cried out loudly as you began cumming into Ruby's mouth as she locked her lips and mouth over the tip and a few inches, her throat relaxing as she was swallowing down days if backed up cum and even then that wasn't a good estimate of how much jizz was being shot into her throat. She swallows it down hungrily and happily and as she feels you throbbing and jerking begin to subside she lets your dick fall from her mouth with a loud "plop" before she giggled and rubs the saliva and some cum across her lips and mouth before she stands and quickly strips her clothes off, revealing her small but perky tits and her nicely toned ass as her body was underrated you thought. She climbed into the couch and carefully hiked a leg up over your head as she leaned down and lowered her cunt to your mouth as you reached up and grabbed a hold of her thighs to steady her as she pinched and rubbed her nipples. 

Ruby: please baby...I need that tongue of yours…

You didn't let her wait long before you began lapping your tongue fast and quickly in darts and circled along her slit as she wasn't completely shaved but you didn't mind the little one hairs that bristles against your chin and lips as you worked your tongue along her cunt and felt her wetten as she was moaning louder and that was all the incentive you needed to lap faster and faster and before you knew her face was contorts into an "O" and she grinds her hips against your head as you feel her liquid coating your mouth and lips as your loudly slurped and sucked and on her lips as you felt her pussy spasm and throb against your mouth before she careful climbs down and straddles you, making sure she wasn't puting any weight into your leg as she knew you weren't going to be able to do much. Her eyes locked with yours and she grabs at your dick and slowly lowered her hips and cunt over your dick as your hands grabbed her asscheeks and just held as you felt her tightness sink over your large cock as you moaned and bit down on your teeth as Ruby shudders and slowly rocks her hips up and along as she planted her feet flatly against the couch cousins as she gripped her hands behind your head and began to rock up and along most of your dick as you smiled as she was moaning and smiling back as you kissed her and felt her picking up speed as she then pulled away from the kiss and threw her head back as she cried out and then came hard, her cunt locking up around your dick as you grinned like a cheshire cat and said 

Y/N; what's wrong, Ruby...cumming already…

Ruby: You...son of a...ahhhh

She cries out as you started to buck up and this wasn't a smart decision as pain instantly shot up through your body and so you regretted this sudden lustful urge but the pleasure of her cunt spasming over your big dick was enough to make it worth it as she bounced faster to meet your thrusts as she came in spades, repeated spasms and locking up as her cunt drenched and clinched regularly and as the moments turned into minutes, both of your breath laboring as your sweat mixed together as she began to grind and swirl her hips in circles as her legs were tiring from the frantic pace. You felt her pussy continuing to cum and you knew she wouldn't last long and so you pulled her to you and kissed her, feeling her mouth and tongue lapping against yours as your body felt hot and the pain from earlier was beginning to overtake. Your cock thankfully began to throb and she could feel it as she breaks the kiss and puts her forehead to yours as she picks up the pace a bit and says in hushed quick gasps

Ruby: Cum in me baby, cum for me... you've earned it...I need it...I need you inside of me...all of it...fill me up please...please Y/N I need your cum...I need to have you in me all night...all day...cum inside me...Y/N!

She screams out your name and then shrieks in pleasure as she made herself cum, and in doing so you grunted out and cried out her name as you closed your eyes and felt your body explode as your dick began jerking and pulsating inside of Ruby's pussy as she held your to her and gripped your shoulders tightly as she slowly jerked her ups and along most of your length as she slides her cunt slowly against your orgasming cock as she shakes and shudders as her wetness was mingling with all your spurting seed as you were filling her womb and coating her inner walls with all of your load as she kisses you, breathing hard and labored just as you are. The two of you stay in this embrace for minutes as you just kissed and held each other as your dick stayed buried and hard inside of her as cum and juices seeped between your crotches. You had a long and difficult road ahead of you. But with Ruby, you didn't feel it was a road you had to travel alone. This was what made life worth living. 
