Crushing on Nikki (A Nikki Cross Tale)

Crushing on Nikki

Nikki Cross was married, happily too. She was successful, she was a multi time champion, she had a lot of promise and upside, her career was by no means unsuccessful. Yet, she knew she wasn't going to be considered one of the greatest. Not because her ring work was bad, but because she didn't look like Alexa. She knew she had her fans, the guys who loved her ass, the ones who didn't think her accent or voice wasn't annoying. But no matter what she did, she was paired with Alexa Bliss, and that was a losing battle she thought. When she met Y/N a young up and coming wrestler from NXT, she had heard a lot about him, and his talent but she hadn't been able to keep up with NXT since she got to the main roster. He was polite, sweet and very attentive, and the more Nikki rode with him and talked with him about the business and life, the more she began to realize she was having a crush, and a hard one. One she hadn't had since she was young, one that didn't even feel this strong for Killian. So why was she standing outside of his hotel room, why was she so nervous and scared. Why was she here? She bit her bottom lip and knocked on the door finally and it was a few agonizing minutes before Y/N opened the door. 

You looked at Nikki and she had her head hung low when she came inside and you both didn't say anything as she came towards the bed and stood there, not saying a word as you raised an eyebrow and said her name very softly

Y/N: Nikki…

Nikki: You and there something there…

She rubbed her arm like she was fighting back tears and you smiled and stepped to her as she looked at you with tears in her eyes, that mixture of sadness and rage that you had seen earlier. You and Alexa were talking backstage, and you had been pretty flirtatious. But this was just going over dialog and little touches to sell a blossoming onscreen storyline you were going to be a part of and Nikki had come up and as you smiled at her she had slapped you. Hard. Alexa was mortified and followed her friend to ask what the hell was going on, but the same look in her eyes when she slapped you was there now. You grabbed her hand and held it as she looked quizzically at you. 

Y/N: Do you know me and Alexa are becoming an onscreen thing for this storyline I'm doing with Braun?

Nikki: No..?

Y/N: It's just an angle, Nikki. Trying out some things to make it seem believable. Guess it worked.

Nikki: Don't mock me. 

Y/N: I'm not…Nikki, hey. 

She wipes her eyes and you placed a finger under her chin and made her look back up at you as she was fighting her tears back. 

Y/N: I don't know what you're going through. Can't be easy always being told you're less than because you're around Alexa. But I can tell you right now. I don't feel that way. Alexa is a nice sweet and beautiful woman. But so are you. And I only have eyes for you. 

Nikki: No you don't…

Y/N: Our talks, our late night drives. The way you look at me and think I don't notice. Maybe I'm not so good at letting on but I thought maybe because you are married I wouldn't ever have a chance...but I see that maybe…

You leaned in closer and placed your lips near hers as she just watches you with lessening inhibition.

Y/N: You want me too.

Nikki: Prove it. 

Y/N: What?

Nikki: You say all of this, but I don't believe you... prove it…

You kissed her and she latched her lips to yours like a dying man needed water, her want and need and aggression, or perhaps relief, came out as she moaned and began to trade kisses as your hands groped and ran all over her body as she jumped into your arms and you grabbed her by her thighs as she wrapped her arms around your neck and kept making out with you as you felt her breathing harder and grinding her hips against you as your cock was twitching and bulging against your waist as you quickly turned and laid her onto the bed, breaking the kiss as she moaned as you worked on taking her tight fitting jeans off, and she kicks her shoes off as you worked her jeans off and stripped them and her panties off with a few tugs, as she bit her finger and just watched you as she was panting with anticipation as her wet pussy gleamed in the light and you could only smile as you locked eyes with her for a moment before you slowly licked your tongue from the base of her slit to her clit and she shuddered as she threw her head back and rubbed her nipples through her shirt as she then groaned and stripped her shirt and bra off, as you focused on licking and sucking on her clit, the taste of her juices as she spasmed after a minute and began to cum as you felt her pussy become even more wet then it had been. You grabbed the back of her thick thighs and held her firmly against your mouth as you slurped down her juices hungrily and happily as you assaulted her cunt with your mouth and tongue for minutes on end, Nikki muttering and saying things that you couldn't understand as her accent was even thick in the throes of passion but as she came again for the fifth time from just your tongue, she grabbed your hair and yanked your head up, as she looks at you and says loud and clearly

Nikki: Prove you want me...fuck me!

You had worked your pants off and your dick was achingly hard as you got between her smooth thick legs and felt her grabbing at you as she was impatient and was lost in her own world of lust, the thought of having you being too strong of a thought to resist and as you lined your dick up against the entrance of her dripping wet snatch she reached between you and her and grabbed a hold of your respectable length and pulled you inside of her, gasping out as she felt your girth stretching her as you began to drive into her, your hips rocking in and out of her as her hands slapped and then gripped your ass as you began to thrust harder, each forceful stroke a testament to your physical fitness and to how great her cunt felt as you were so hard and turned on that your balls were already churning as they slapped against the bottom of her ass cheeks as she wrapped her legs begins your thighs and held on as she moaned and gasped and yelped as you fucked her pussy with a reckless abandon, orgasm after orgasm escaping her body as her pussy spasmed and shuddered, a thin layer of sweat forming between both of your bodies as you crashed into her, and as your mouth found her nipples and began to bite an suck on them as you kept up the faster pace, you felt your dick throbbing as her latest orgasm was of the clenching variety, and the extra constricting of her cunt muscles and the best her eyes seemed to linger on ecstacy just from looking at you proved to be too much and you say softly

Y/N: Nikki... I'm cumming.

Nikki: Then don't're mine...I am yours...prove it…

You nodded quickly as it was too much and your heart raced as it fluttered and the strain of your muscles could be felt as heat and pleasure shot through your body as you gritted your teeth and moaned out in a loud constant hum as your dick jerked and spasmed as you began firing ropes of seed deep into Nikki's cunt, thick pearly white strands of jizz coat her inner walls as she coos happily and runs her hands along your back before her legs shake and she cums part way through your orgasm as she giggled and cooed happily as the overflow from her wetness and your massive load began to seep between your crotches and you laid a top of her and kissed as your cock finally stopped jerking and remained just as stiff as it was prior. 

Nikki knew she couldn't waste any time and so she twists her hips and rolls herself on top of you as you smirked and got into a better position in the middle of the bed as she moved herself and planted her feet onto the bed and began to work her hips up and down along your shaft in a squat position as she begins to work your cock In and out of her pussy. The slick sound of both cum filled and drenched privates crashing together creating a wonderful sloppy sound as Nikki fucked you, her mouth sneering into a snarl as she growled and groaned out as she couldn't stop her body from orgasm which would cause her to lose momentum as they only seemed to pool together and grow stronger and more ferocious which in turn made her more tenacious. With each orgasm came a more aggressive hip action, the speed in which she was currently taking your dick inside of her was something you thought only pornstars could do. Soon she was giggling and mixing things up, alternating between those fast solid up and downs to burying you inside and twerking her hips as her ass would gleefully slap against your knees as her pussy grinded itself along most of your length until she orgasmed again. Knowing the type of fucking she wanted you pulled her off and moved her onto her stomach as she moans and wipes her matted hair from her sweaty brow as her body was dripping with primal sweat and you grabbed her arms and pinned them behind her, right above her ass in the small of her back as you held them there and pushed into her pussy from behind as her thick ass began to bump and bounce against your waist as she says

Nikki: Ooo yeahhh...fuck me...fuck me Y/N ooo fuck!

She trailed off as each word got a thicker and thicker accented word behind it, Nikki biting her bottom lip as she smiled before her face twisted into an "O" and she came hard yet again as you rocked into her hard and fast, your dick a blurry pistoning rod into her cunt as her ass slapped against you which only made you more aroused as your cock was throbbing and you were starting off this orgasm as much as you could but it was inevitable as you continued into her over and over and over and over and as she came hard and cried out your name as Nikki could feel your throbbing, she begged for you and began to cry out as you shook and your face went red as you gave her ass a hard slap and then held her cheeks as you pushed all the way inside of her cunt and began to fill her pussy with more hot seed, your cock pumping still as you couldn't stop your hips from moving as you filled her pussy with strands of cum that seemed to be more then the orgasm before and you held inside of her for a few moments as she moved her arms and rubbed the bed as she giggled and looked back at you and smiled as she said 

Nikki: You proved it...mmm fuck, you proved it…

Y/N: I'm glad you think so…

You pulled out and laid next to her as she draped a leg and a arm around you and smiled as she caressed your face. 

Nikki: I've never felt this way about anyone before…

Y/N: Me either.

Nikki: I'm married..

Y/N: I know…

Nikki: But I want you...and I'm not willing to give you up…

Y/N: So...what do we do?

The two of you looked into each other's eyes and even though you both didn't have the answer, you were just happy to be able to be in this moment. This moment was all that mattered now. The rest would come. 
