The Lonely Rose (A Mandy Rose Tale)

The Lonely Rose 

Mandy Rose had headed inside and was wiping her face as the others around the pool seemed to be a little put off by what had just happened. You and Mandy weren't exactly best friends but we're friendly enough and rode to a lot of shows together. Since she had been involved in some major storylines she was always on the road and was venting about not being able to see her family. Especially her mother who she was really close with. Her boyfriend didn't seem to care, and why would he? He was a wrestling lifer and lost his parents years ago, and didn't seem to have any real family or friends outside of the business. So as he scolded her and was just being an overall dickhead, which too you wasn't a surprise but to do so so brazenly and in public, that was out of line. To see her so upset and then just get up and leave her to go meet up with whoever made you even more upset and so as she headed inside you set your beer down and followed. You called out to her and jogged a bit to catch up but she waved you off and didn't want to talk. You had to palm the door before she could close it on you in her hotel room and she stops and doesn't make eye contact as she had clearly been crying. 

Mandy: Y/N please just leave me alone…

You: After what just happened I will not. 

Mandy shrugs and heads in as you closed the door and tried not to be that guy as you did take a gander at her beautiful ass as her thong didn't leave much to the imagination. You watched as she grabbed a water and went to grab a towel as she wrapped up and sat down with a despondent look. You didn't sit beside her and just decided to stand off to the side and lean against the wall. 

You: You guys been doing that a lot?

Mandy: You know how he is. What do you think? 

You: Why's he being such a dick.

Mandy: Cuz I'm not an all or nothing person, Y/N and he is. It's either wrestling or family and fuck that, I like being me, and having time with my friends and family and wrestling isn't everything you know?

You: I do. 

She vents for the next half hour and you let her say what she needs to, everything ranging from rage to sadness. She wipes her eyes after a pause. 

Mandy: I'm talking your ear off. I'm sorry, I shouldn't bitch like this. 

You: Hey…

You come over and finally sit beside her as she finally looks at you and forces a little smile. 

You: Don't ever apologize for being you. I don't mind listening. Sometimes that's all we need. I wish he would do that more for you. 

She smiles and hugs you as you hugged her back, doing your best to make it a nice comforting hug. You didn't mean anything by it so when you went to pull away she kept her arms wrapped around you and you smiled and rubbed her back. 

Mandy: Sometimes...I just...need to be held. 

You: I know what you mean. 

Mandy looks up as her beautiful lips parted and you felt them suddenly press against yours, your face blushing as you hadn't in your wildest dreams thought you would kiss Mandy Rose. You relaxed and leaned into it and held it for a long moment before she slowly pulled away and opened her eyes as she touched your chest. 

Mandy: I'm so lonely, Y/N...he makes me feel all alone...I don't want to be alone. 

You: You don't have to be…

Your heart had kept into your throat. God what the hell were you doing. He would kick your ass. But you weren't no slouch, and you certainly could stand your own. 

Mandy: don't leave me…

You: what about…

Mandy: He's got his own room, and the door is locked...he doesn't have a card...and I could give a shit…

She wrapped her arms around you and her mouth locks to yours again, bit this time you kissed back just as hungrily and needily. The two of you kissing and pawing at each other as her towel fell and her bikini bod became exposed and she didn't waste a moment and pulled at the bikini string of her bra and bottoms and straddling you she let them both fall off as her tan lined skin shows off, her breasts perky and beautiful as your hands grabbed and massaged them as she moans and throws her head back as your thumbs flicked at her hardening nipples as she grinded her hips against your lap as she got off and turned herself over, wagging her ass at your face as she lowered her hips and out her cunt near your mouth as she worked at your swim trunks and moved them down enough to pull your cock free. She gasped at the sight and you giggled as you knew that was a shocked voice of someone who wasn't getting s big duck and this made you happy, though not as happy as when you first tasted Mandy's deliciously wet cunt just as her mouth started to lick along your tip before bobbing herself more and more over your cock as the two of you enjoyed minutes of this 69 position, your tongue and mouth lapping and slurping away at her juicy pussy lips as she sucked down over most of your dick, gagging and choking herself every now and then to really give her throat a workout as she eventually strokes you off and lowers herself down, positioning herself in a reverse cowgirl as she slowly lowered her cunt over your dick as you just grabbed into her ankles and held on as the tightness lowering over your dick was something you hadn't expected from her, which made you feel like a bit of a prick. But you groaned out and leaned your head back as she began to rock her hips back and forth as she worked ¾'s of your dick inside of her before she started riding, her hips moving fast as her ass bounced s bit against your waist as you watched her whip her beautiful blonde hair back and bellows out a shrill from a hard and powerful orgasm as you smirked and couldn't believe that this was happening. You felt yourself bucking upwards and wanting to match her passion with your own enthusiasm as you fucked her pussy and watched as she leaned down a grabbed your ankles as she held on as you were thrusting up hard, the sound of skin slapping together as her ass was moving against your waist fast and hard as you speared upwards into her cunt and felt another quick orgasm spasm through her body before she clenched up tightly. You gritted your teeth and groaned as the extra constricting from her vagina muscled was making your thrusts begin to build towards your orgasm and soon your balls were stirring and the spearing cock inside of her was also now throbbing against her inner walls. She began to twerk herself now as she felt your orgasm drawing nearer and she didn't say a word as you told her you were cumming soon. She just increases her speed and drops herself down faster and harder. Could you cum inside of her? Would you? Should you...why wouldn't she say something maybe this wasn't the best thing to do she was still in a relationship...but the thoughts blurred together and your body decided to make the decision for you as you groaned out her name and bucked wildly as you started firing your cum into her pussy, Mandy moaning out as her back muscles tense up and she slows down a bit as she whisks her blonde and coos as she feels your cock throbbing as your jizz was filling her womb as the excess coated down her inner walls as she looks back at you and smiles.

Mandy: Mmm you got more in ya?

You: Definitely.

Mandy: Good answer.

She swings herself off of you and gets between your legs as she licks your cum drenched dick and slurps and sucks over your length as she then leans herself up and wraps her breasts around your dick,  moving her chest up and down as she smirks and keeps her breasts pressed tightly to the sides of your dick as you watched her bite her bottom lip as she moans and seems to be enjoying just as much as you were as you felt your dick stiffening back up as this must've been her plan as she climbed onto the bed and laid on her back beside you as you pivoted and got between her legs as she spreads her thick and smooth legs and rubs her pussy as she feels the anticipation building as you rubbed it against her slit and teased her as she grabs at your face and pulls you down for a kiss as she feels you lining up and pushing your hips in as you started to sink back inside of her, Mandy groaning out as she sucks her teeth and feels most of your length entering her as she shudders and cums as she giggled and moans, your hips rocking back and forth as her legs draped begins your own as you leaned against her and rhythmically moved your dick in and out of her pussy. She coo and came not soon after as she grabbed at your back and felt your thrusting picking up harder and faster, the need of your pistoning cock inside of her tightening and spasming pussy a perfect combination as you felt your sweaty bodies crashing together as moaned and shrieked as she came repeatedly, each time she would scratch your back and shuddered as she couldn't handle the consistency of your thrusts on top of the hardness and the length as you kept working into her over and over as your balls were lightly talking against her ass as you worked into her for several more minutes and she was panting and gasping as she was entering her sex haze as she rolled her eyes as her latest orgasm rippled through her entire body as she was losing steam and thankfully you were getting closet and closer and as you throbbed inside of big cunt again you felt her pussy trigger and she spasmed and then clenched up as she felt you pulsate inside of her as she kisses you softly and then locks her eyes to yours. She doesn't say a word as she just studies your face as you bucked harder and worked your orgasm out of you and into her, straining as you felt your cock explode and begin to fill her pussy yet again with cum as she shuddered and rubbed the back of your neck as she feels you filling her up again and she shudders and cums part way through as you buried your head into her neck and relaxed on top of her as you left your cock inside of her as it eventually finished spurting jizz and jerking as you slowly felt your cock soften.

You: You wanting to go back and…

Mandy: Y/N…

You: mm?

Mandy: Shut up…

You nodded and smirked as you nestled against her and felt her heaving chest and heartbeat sooth you into a lulled state as she closed her eyes and weakly rubs your back as you both fell into a blissful sleep. 
