A Kiwi and a Boss Compete (A Dakota Kai/Sasha Banks Tale)

A Kiwi and a Boss Compete

Dakota Kai was confident that she could do this better then Sasha, but she needed the chance to do so, and Sasha Banks was a fucking stingy cock hog as she kept slurping and gagging as you groaned and ran a hand through her blue hair as she gagged her way off and stroked at you as she winks and says 

Sasha: See….you can't go wrong with me. 

Dakota: He hasn't even had a chance with me yet!

Sasha: He won't need to. 

Dakota flips her off as you moaned at a low decibel and felt your cock twitch as Sasha attempted to throat you down again but you were to large for her to do so and as she choked herself she slurps off and fights back the tears in her eyes from how long she choked herself over your dick. Dakota finally had had enough and moved Sasha out of the way as she grabs at your shaft with both hands as she strokes you calmly and collected as she licked around your tip and then sucked over it for a moment before she says 

Dakota: Watch how us Kiwis do.

And with that she slowly began lowering her mouth over your dick as it was slicked from Sasha's attempts and as Sasha rolled her eyes, you groaned as Dakota took you nearly down to the base which shocks you as Dakota doesn't even gag as she bobs herself up and down as you felt your cock was buried deep into her throat as she sucks you down and massages your balls as you couldn't believe this was happening. You were just a jobber who had come in to work your first ever WWE show and had walked by the two girls who had been arguing about something. They were in a rivalry on screen for the WWE women's championship and so you didn't think anything of it. But as you had changed and began to head home they had pulled you away and into a locker room and thus here you were, seemingly stuck in the middle of two women who needed to prove something either to themselves or to the other. As Dakota sucked you down hungrily and happily as she could hear your louder moans and the hardening of your cock which makes Sasha begin to strip as she says cockily

Sasha: Whatever, watch this shit. 

Her bra and panties hit the floor as you saw her beautiful mocha skinned body hover over you as she bucks her ass and hits Dakota as Dakota slurps off and growls angrily at her as Sasha reaches down and strokes your cock as she kisses you and says

Sasha: Fuck me, nobody.

Sasha lowers her hips and pushes you into her slit as she grips your shoulders and lowers her hips as she began to rock her hips up and down as her cunt was wet and inviting but you could tell there was some experience with her as you looked over to see Dakota stripping off her clothes as your hands reach and grabbed a hold of Sasha's large and voluptuous ass as you held onto her cake as she grinded her hips back and forth while she popped her hips up and down at the same time as she  began to moan and gasps as you watched her face as she says in between breaths as your large dick drilled in and out of her. 

Sasha: Mmmm fuck that's ...good dick there nobody...fuck me….fuck me...ahhh shit…

She mutters and then tosses her head back as she cums hard, her shriek escaping her mouth as Dakota comes and covers her mouth as you groaned as you felt her cunt lock up around your driving dick as the snugness added an wonderful friction. 

Dakota: Shut the fuck up! Gonna get us caught goh stupid cunt. 

Sasha giggles and licks Dakota's hand as she moves it away disgusted as Sasha twists herself and grabs Dakota closer as she begins sucking on her tits, Dakota trying not to moan but couldn't keep her pleasure in check as you started to rock your hips up harder and faster as you listened to Sasha's moans get louder as she focused on Dakota's cunt but as she came again, her pussy drenching your dick with extra slickness, Dakota took the opportunity and pulled Sasha off as Sasha sneers angrily she begrudgingly moves as Dakota mounts you and wraps her hands around your neck as she lowers her pussy over your dick and slowly shudders as she had to force herself down over your dick which made you yelp as the tightness was more then you had been expecting and even with all of the juices from Sasha's pussy you still felt a painful pressure as she lowered herself to about halfway as  before she moans and kisses you as she began to slowly grinds her hips back and forth as she says 

Dakota: Feel how tight I am...how wet I am...mmmm that's why I'm better, nobody...that's why I'm better…

She trailed off as she started to bounce a bit faster as your large prick jammed up into her as you started meeting her halfway as Sasha came around and ran her hand down over your chest as she says 

Sasha: Don't cum for her...she ain't worth it…

You didn't know how she knew but you were throbbing inside of Dakota's cunt as her extra tightness and the bouncing of her hips just made it harder to resist and Dakota giggled as she coos out and moans as your hips popped up faster as your balls began to stir as she says to Sasha cockily

Dakota: What's the matter, Sasha...you upset you're about to lose? You wanna cum inside me nobody...do it...show this bitch how much better I am…

Sasha: Don't fucking do it…

You felt it coming in faster and harder as Dakota rocked her hips down and started to grind erratically as she came hard, her voice contorting into a "O" face as she came hard and the extra wetness and tightness from her orgasm began milking your orgasm and your face buried into her chest as you locked your mouth onto her left breast and ran your hands up her back and held her down as far as her cunt would allow as she shouts

Dakota: Ahhh fuck he's cumming!

Sasha: Fuck!

Dakota coos happily as she could feel you shaking as you began cumming inside of her cunt, spurt after spurt of piping hot jism spraying into her womb with an intensity you hadn't expected and her womb sucks it all in hungrily as her inner walls were dripping wet with her own juices and your spraying cum as you felt instantly light headed as Sasha leans down and says into your ear. 

Sasha: Fuck my ass.

Dakota: No!

You looked back at Sasha who smirks and winks as she comes over towards a nearby locker and shakes her ass back and forth and up and down as she says Sasha: I ain't got all night. 

Dakota: That's...no…

She feels your excitement as your jerking cock that was still inside of her stayed rock hard, and as you pulled Dakota off and stood from the chair you could see her despair as you came behind Sasha and mounted her from behind as she ran her ass against your cum covered dick as you held her left cheek to the side and lined up against her balloon knot as you started pushing inside of her asshole, Sasha looking back at you and then at Dakota as she flipped her off and then shrieks a bit as you started sinking into her colon. 

Dakota: that's...not fair. I don't... do anal. 

Sasha: Too bad…

Sasha moans as she feels you slip about halfway inside as she grips the lockers and began to buck her hips back as you gripped her hips and started to thrust back and forth as your opposite frictions created an intense but pleasurable sensation as Dakota runs her fingers against her slit as she sat in the chair and watched ad Sasha fucked herself back against your thrusting dick as Dakota moans and watched with a look of envy and arousal as she fingered your seeping cum back into her pussy as her other hand rubbed her breasts as Sasha's louder wails picked up as she dropped a hand and rubbed her cunt as she orgasmed from the anal assault that was happening to her. You didn't bother to stop or think about anything else, you knew after this you would never get the chance to do something this sudden, wild and fantastic again and so you jammed your dick faster and harder inside of Sasha's rectum as Dakota shudders and cums against her fingers as Sasha cums again, rubbing her pussy faster and harder as your swinging balls began to churn as Sasha's anal pressure was different then Dakota's wet tightness and as you jammed harder, faster, minutes passed before your dick started to throb and you didn't know how many orgasm both women had but they had reached a level where their voices were low and trailing as Dakota watches as you began to groan and strain as your wilder thrusts began to generate more power and Sasha says in a hushed breathless tone

Sasha: Cum... inside me…

You groaned and leaned down and kissed her bare shoulders as she bucked back and then felt you push in as deep as you could, holding your hips forward as you started cumming inside of Sasha's asshole, her intestines being coated with your spraying and spurting jizz, as she  coos happily as she could feel your throbbing manhood stretching her anal walls as you closed your eyes to stop your head from spinning. Dakota fingers another orgasm out of her as she listens to the two of you moaning loudly as you waited for a minute and then slowly pulled out of her asshole as Sasha moans and sways her hips as she giggles and struts over to Dakota as Dakota stands and the two turn to you as they place a hand on their hips and say

Both: Well?

You smirked and rubbed your sweaty brow as you took a deep breath and began to say 

You: Well...I guess I'd have to pick…
