Shattered (A Paige Tale)

Shattered (A Paige Tale)

When her videos leaned a few years back, I guess the best way you could describe Paige was in one word. Shattered. Not just from the loss of privacy, the shame of strangers and what it brought to her family, and the world of backstage shit she got from the WWE. But because whatever image she wanted to have, what she worked hard to have, was gone. She took the hit and life went on, and she embraced herself, her sexuality and her power. But it didn't mean she was okay with what had happened. It didn't mean what had happened didn't completely change her. Or the way others viewed her. She had leaned in a few people and you felt great that you were able to be a part of her trusted inner circle. It hurt to see all the tears shed, and the heartache and headaches that came with it. Her career as a wrestler, the one thing she wanted more then anything was over. And now she had to deal with this. It was an easy transition for her. But she was a fighter. And she made the best of a shit situation. You admired her for that. You were over at her place as she had recently split from her boyfriend. You didn't mind the guy, but he wasn't the right guy for her in the end. He wanted her to give up the dream, get away from wrestling. She wasn't quite there yet and the strife between them became too great. She did really kcke the guy, but she loved her family's business and passion more. She was shattered, again, but she wasn't going to remain broken. You had come over to stay with her and give her some comfort for a few days until her brother could get down. People knew she had suicidal tendencies, and they didn't want her to go through any of this break up alone. You ordered her favorite food, made sure she was listened too and brought over your gaming gear so that you could play with her and keep her busy. The first night was fun, you guys drank, played for hours and eventually lounged around the pool. She talked more than you did, but you were there to listen. You slept for a while after the two of you drank a bit and got a few more rounds in before calling it a night and awoke a few hours later as you had felt something get onto your bed. You assumed it was one of Paige's big ass dogs and you pushed at it to get off but when you felt bare skin and not fur you perked up and moved the covers as you saw Paige who was smiling as she ran her hand over your crotch as you were in your underwear and nothing else.

Paige: Damn, trying to push me off of the bed, I thought we were tighter than that ..

You: Paige...the hell man...

Paige: Just...relax. I need this...just...

She runs her hand faster along your crotch as you moaned as she nestled against you and took a deep breath as you wrapped an arm around her and didn't say anything as she runs your chest and smiles as her lacy bra and thong was in contrasts with her pale skin as she moaned as she felt your dick bulging and harden against her touch as your heart raced as you didn't understand what was happening but you weren't going to complain. Of course she was beautiful, and sexy, and of course you thought about what it would be like to be with her. You never thought in a million years it could or would happen, it was like a dream was materializing before you as she looked up and perted her full lips as she blew you a kiss and then said

Paige: When everything leaked...I was broken remember...

You: I did...

Paige: I felt so ashamed for just being myself. Was I dumb, naive. Sure. But I'm a woman who loved sex, I shouldn't be made to feel like shit because of that...I lost myself...and you helped me see it through...and even now you're helping me through another tough thing...I'm sorry to use you this way... but I...

She began to tear up as her voice broke as she tried to speak but you just pulled her up and kissed her, her hands leaving your crotch as you gripped your face and the two of you made out for minutes on end as you wiped her tears with your thumbs and felt her straddling you as she rubbed her crotch along your bulge and you could feel how wet her pussy was you moved your hands and ran them over her ass as it was a nice full bottom, much large then you even thought and nicely toned as she still kept herself in great shape, as she wasn't giving up her dream to wrestle again. She kissed all over your mouth and sucked on your neck as she worked her teeth and bit and licked between the bit skin as she worked to give you a hickie as you grinded her pussy against your throbbing prick as she moans and breaks the hold on your neck as she leans her hips up and grabs your underwear as she moves them down to your knees and frees your large member as she looks at it and giggles happily as she moved her thong fabric to the side and exposes her beautiful pussy as you shuddered and took a deep breath as you sucked your teeth as she put her forehead to yours and slowly lowered her hips down as she impaled herself over your cock as you dick slowly stretched her inner walls as she took six and a half inches as she threw her head back and moaned as her accent came out heavy

Paige: You're so thick...fuck...I never...Y/N...

You: Paige... I've always...

Paige: Me too... thank you...for being my friend first... but I need you to be my lover now....even for a night...

You nodded and she smiles as you gripped her ass and held it tightly as she began to rock her hips up and along slowly, as she began to bounce a bit as your dick was ably sliding in and out as she was so wet that her pussy lips trembled as she spasmed and came and she slowed herself and held herself down over seven of your eight inches as you kissed her as she moans nas she moved herself up and along slowly again as you gripped her ass and squeezed the boundful flesh as your fingers dug into ass as she groaned out loudly, her cunt dripping wet as it slid up and off your cock nice and slowly as she took every inch and gasped and yelped happily as she leans her face down and kisses you as you kissed her back and felt her shudder as she came in little waves, her pussy locking up as she slowed and then picked up the pace each time as you just let her use your dick in any way she wanted, this was her wants and needs, you were just lucky enough to be here, at this time and moment. You didn't want to let your heart wander and make this more then maybe it wasn't, and so as your cock began to throb against her inner walls, and your balls slowly churned, you felt saddened this this was coming to an end, and you leaned your head forward as she threw her head back to cry out again as she came against your dick as the throbbing added to the intensity of her orgasm, and you licked and sucked at her breasts as your mouth moved her right tit from the padding as Paige gasps and says

Paige: Ahhh....shit...Y/N...

She reached a hand down and pulled her other breasts out as she then grabs onto your shoulders as she began to bounce herself off more frequently and faster as she was working her cunt to draw your orgasm out of you and you felt it bubbling to the edge as you nibbled and sucked at her tits and moaning loudly you grunted and held your face between her chest and then against it as you could her hear her heartbeat as she threw her head back and screamed as she crashed down and held her spasming pussy over your erupting cock as you began pouring seed deep into her womb as she lays her chin against the top of your head and giggles and moans as your mingling orgasms sent pleasurable waves of heat throughout your crotches and bodies as you felt her pulsing inner walls drenching your throbbing and pulsating dick as your jizz was pouring down and coating those spasming inner walls as you came so hard you had to close your eyes as you felt dizzy and lightheaded. Her chest heaved as she moans and rubbed your head and neck as she kisses your forehead and holds your face up to her as she looks into your eyes and smiles as she caresses your cheek and kisses your lips softly as you felt her grind her hips along as your dick stayed buried inside of her as it jerked against her pussy as your cum had finally finished coating the insides of her lovely warm cunt as you kissed her and held your mouths together for a long moment as she moved herself back and slowly got off off of your softening prick as she asks sweetly

Paige: Can I...sleep in here with you?

You: It's your house...

Paige: Shut up.

She hits you and lays against your chest as you wrapped her up and felt her heavy breathing matching with your own as the two of you laid together in a naked sweaty embrace before slipping away into a content sleep.
