It's the dramatic moment when a chuckle cracks out from my mouth before I can restrain myself from accusing my friend in falling in love with my other friend who is now not even my friend.
"Tell me the truth. It's better earlier than later. Is there anything between you and Dorian?" I clasp my hands on the sides of my waist impatiently, ready to pull to the surface some 'dirty laundry' she hides in the skeleton wardrobe.
I need only one shot to expose two traitors at the same time.
She quirks a puzzled brow at me connecting to my threatening signal right away. "What?"
"Is there anything between you and Dorian?" I repeat my question. My persistence induces her to twitch in shock as she jumps in a defending stance, feeling uneasy under my numb doll-face stare.
"Are you insane? Do you even hear what you are talking about?" She cradles my shoulders and rocks me a few times but my body doesn't respond properly. It wobbles like the sea plant to the course of the water when it slowly fades in the understanding of how self-destructive my investigations actually are.
"He is not my type. We barely even talk. Almost all the information I get about him is from your mouth. You are becoming a paranoid day by day, Melanie! Do you even hear me?" A picture of Venus shaking me off blurs in front of me like an old movie episode.
"Forgive me." I let out a barely audible murmur before she chokes me to death with her strong ardour for justice. This makes her face burning with the reprimanding glower soften in understanding as she loses the grip on me.
I don't know if this is my intuition peeking through people's walls or simple idiocy provoking me to lose one more friend. I should learn to control zipping my mouth shut whenever I get the unexplainable rush of unknown energies taking me up and down the emotional rollercoaster.
Venus still stares at me bluntly as she ventures her persuasive call of the soul, unable to hold it in, "I have a complete right to get mad at you for you almost swooping a riot over me for something I never did. You can't accuse people merely being guided by your imaginative mind."
I avert my gaze to the floor, sinking in the shame I gave the green light to drape over me by myself.
"But I understand that you are not in the best state of mind currently with all these unexpected changes falling down on our heads from the middle of nowhere so I'll close my eyes on this little misunderstanding and if you still don't trust me, I will put my hand on the Holy Bible and announce in the presence of God that I have nothing to do with Dorian and I'm not related to his sudden vanishing in the magical stardust." She declares with a cool glare directed at me.
"Okay, Venus." I hesitate. "Just promise me that I can rely on you." I peer at her with my imploring eyes, crossing my fringers together under my chin.
She gropes the phone from her pocket and pushes the screen in my face for me to see that she has opened the Holy Bible app already.
"You thought I was joking?" She raises a challenging motion but I stop her with my hand hovering over, knowing how much she cherishes her religion and life principles.
"Well, I accept that."
She doesn't think twice before closing the gap between our dishevelled hearts and shields me in a protective embrace.
"You are the last person I can trust in this school," I admit in the brittle undertone, sensing a sudden urge to burst out in tears but I force it back as most of the times it happens.
When we emerge from our sequestered corner to skip to the next class, a colourful rabble of teenagers looms over the hallway. They break their chirpy conversation as soon as one of them casts a curious glare our side. A boy with a cute bunny face fires up a blush of excitement as he flings his hands together in the air.
"Venus, is that you?" He exclaims in a high-pitched feminine screech just like I'm not existing any near or maybe he just forgot my name.
"Are you having a beautiful day today, ladies? Not a lie, I've been searching for ya." He walks up to us in his imitating high heel, thigh-swinging gait and pokes his index finger on the tip of Venus' nose which makes me instantly want to twirl my empty stomach out three times in a row.
Yes, a very 'beautiful day'. Life... in overall is very 'beautiful'.
"You look fantastic as always, Venus. Mwah." He moves his fashion approving gaze up to her figure and places brisk airy kisses on her cheeks before letting out one more ear-tickling giggle that makes me shift slightly aside, hoping I will stay unnoticed.
This boy is honestly intimidating me with his extroverted openness which for me is a red flag considered as the rude invasion into people's personal space.
When his glance hovers over me it seems to me as if he cringes in repulsion to the sense of my style. Well, rather the absence of it. But he professionally fakes it with a tolerant smile and doesn't focus on it for long.
"Yeah, we are having a beautiful day. Thanks, Jersey." Venus greets her classmates with a sunny grin she wears on a daily basis despite any circumstances. Their banter leads to some more blabbers about nothing interesting to me in between but I stay tuned for the fact that we have ten more minutes free.
"This Saturday night is the special disco party remember?" Jersey winks at Venus and then points his attention towards me which makes me fidget inconveniently as he checks me out again. "And Mila, you should..."
"Melanie." Venus is quick to correct him before I open my mouth.
I'm such a retard! For a second even forgot my own name.
"Sorry, Melanie. The school entertainment department ordered me to notify you that your presence is important this Saturday. Here is your invitation." Jersey explains in a hurry after rummaging through his bag for an envelope he later personally shoves me in the hands.
My presence is what? IMPORTANT?
I stare with my mouth still hanging ajar, catching on that this is not just a random school party when I scan my eyes over the beautiful cursive font.
It's a school Spotlight Award Event.
"It's a very special occasion." He casually draws with his long nails in the air, enthusiasm flowing over him ever he had become a part of the student council. "Venus, make sure to grab her with you in case she tries to escape." The boy sprinkles some humour after giving instructions and disappears with his group, waving Venus bye for now.
Why would I even escape the event of my dreams?
"Hell no. Is that what I'm thinking about? Am I finally gonna stand on the pedestal as a student of the year? Oh yeah, I've been studying like Einstein for the past year. I can't believe this is the envelope I've been waiting for so long."
I place it to my face like a cleansing mask and sniff the smell of fresh paint mixed with the soothing scent of paper.
"I guess it is! I'm so happy for you. See I told you. The happy days are coming ahead of us. We will make the world know our names! We will make our stars of fame light onto the dark sky!" Venus chants in glory raising the confident fist above her head.
"I was not prepared for that. I have nothing to wear." I cut off realizing the problem popping up when I press the envelope against my chest, contemplating about the solution.
"Don't let that stop you! Don't worry. We will get you the most gorgeous outfit, I promise." She wraps me in a hug and I give in, counting on her mastery and creativity when it comes to some classy outfits. I squeeze my face in excitement as my gut subtly whispers me that something amazing is about to happen.
Is that the miracle I've been praying for so long?
Damn, I will finally get noticed.
I only need a few anxiety reduction classes before that and I'll be gucci. Maybe Dorian will rethink his decision as well? I can't wait to see everyone reaction. I can't wait to see his reaction!