Episode 7

I scan my eyes through the message Dorian sent me as it says: "Meet me on Sunday at eleven a.m. near the 'Sugar Coffee' at the Mirror Square if you wanna talk."

"What does that mean?" I whisper, rejoicing at the idea that things between us can be mend.

"I'll turn on the TV. Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Venus' voice resonates from the door crack as she creeps through it with a new treasure she has hunted.

"Now look what I've found in the kitchen!" She boasts, lifting the bottle of white vine in the air.

In our trio, she would be an enthusiastic provider while Jersey—an entertaining performer, and Melanie... She is just a messy person who needs assistance because she constantly gets stuck in troubles.

"Dorian showed up." I shock Venus straight away, not keeping it a secret from Jersey as I allow him to eavesdrop. There was nothing worse than the thing with Jeremy and all that themed cringe.

"Where?" She almost slips on the way but manages to balance and catch the pizza box, preventing it from contributing to the overall mess we have created here.

"He texted me." I breathe out heavily, mentally facepalming myself.

In the short moment of hesitation, Dorian's face appears in front of me, veiled in the nonexistent mist. The longing for even a minute interaction with him hitches stronger in my ribcage as I realize I binge miss him again.

Venus swoops her head in my screen and then puffs a disregarding snort before preventing me from replying. "Are you insane? Don't reply to him right away. Keep him on a short leash. Just like he did."

I gulp down, sliding my phone aside to her order.

"And why is he talking like that? If you want to talk then go there. Do this. Do that. Why is he ruling here? You should be the one telling him this after what happened. He ain't no king." She throws a strand of her blonde hair in an angry manner after the act of mimicking Dorian.

"Stupid boys." She adds, forgetting that a male specie is in the room to what Jersey scrunches his face and sends a disdainful look our side but then he forces himself to dismiss what he just heard with the judgemental wiggle of the head.

One boy against two emotionally unstable girls. He has no chances. He can't do anything than to sit silent.

"Hey, you! Yes, you. Girl with a lack of motivation. Chin up. Chin up. Forget about the asshole for a night. We are about to have fun on the eve of a great day tomorrow. Yay." Venus shouts out the lyrics she makes up on the way as she turns the volume of the song up every next second higher until the music bumps extremely hard against my ears.

She jumps on her big bed and starts performing some monkey tricks she thinks everyone calls dancing.

"I allow everyone to dance on my stage tonight." She ushers us with a swing of an arm and screams in the spirit of a person who finally knows what freedom feels like.

When she notices we are not eager enough to join her, she throws a pillow at Jersey's face in an attempt to unshackle a free spirit and he easily succumbs to the fun she offers. Continuing the pillow game, he cracks some jokes of a higher level to what Venus falls in laughter before he even finishes.

This girl doesn't need to drink much to behave like this. The smell of alcohol is enough to make her go dizzy.

No matter how much my brain wants to stay serious, I can't control my laugh when I see her jiggling like a jelly, copying the dance moves from the TV screen on the top of her bed she by this time turned into a whole stage.

This looks like a real girly sleepover. Or what else you call it? A pajama party. Except Jersey being a boy... but he clearly has a girly soul twirling in him, in addition to the fact that he is also gay.

A mad growl followed by a powerful array of thumps from the outer side of the window interrupts the show. "Shut the fuck up! What are you thinking you are doing here? Have some respect for the people who try to sleep this late hour."

Oh no... it must be Venus' neighbors who live in the other half of the house. I think to myself, checking the watch as I see that the time has already rolled over the acceptable eleven p.m.

"Go away, dark spirit! It's Friday night. Y'all! No one sleeps on Friday nights." She slurs a yell in the window and shuts it with the unearthly strength that makes both of us wince and then laugh hard when her face sticks back.

I and Jersey decide to join Venus and provide her with some back up before she breaks her head.

"Be careful. I don't want to break my nail again." I chuckle and lift my hands up away from the potential danger as she stumbles across me.

This is the live performance you could only dream about with the atmosphere that makes me forget about everything. Partying with friends isn't really that bad!


I turn to the side grudgingly and the next moment feel my body collapsing in the black void, the force of which bumps me awake. I rub my eyes open to the rhythm of pain pulsating through my head and an interesting picture blurs out from the darkness: Jersey snoring through his mouth wide agape, lying half-naked under the control of Venus' arms and one leg tangling around him like snakes while she peacefully enjoys the gentle sun rays warming her face. Most likely she still rides unicorns in her dream phrase of sleep.

I look around and find myself in the middle of the mess, surrounded by clothes, empty glasses, and pizza leftovers.

"What the hell?" I freak out, digging my nails in the bedsheet, trying to lift myself as I realize something.

"What time is this?" I search for my phone in a panic and then sign in relief when I see it's twelve in the morning and we still have plenty of time to prepare for the event. If I wake these two snoring sacks up of course.

"Venus, wake up!" I bulge her with both of my hands but she only hums in indignation, amplifying her hold on Jersey. "Wake up, please. It's Saturday."

"Jersey! At least you be a human. Get up." I move to his side and shake his hand that dangles down to the floor when I realize Venus is impossible to wake up at any cost after what she was doing yesterday.

"Yes, baby. Yes." Jersey moans through his sleep which makes me instantly flinch my hand away from him.


I resort to turning on the emergency sound on my phone and blast it at the highest volume as I prop against the bed, shutting ears with my hands.

"Wake up. We are gonna die!" I hear Venus wheeze as she jolts out of her sleep and starts quaking Jersey awake until I turn the siren off.

This method always works.

"Calm down. It is Melanie's trick. Look at her, she is laughing at you." Jersey mumbles incoherently from the pillow he buried his face in and only then Venus calms down and mimics me an irritated face.

She yawns several times, begging for water as Jersey lifts his upper body like a robot with no soul, scraping his nails through the bird nest on top of his head.

He will have a hard time doing his hair today.


"You look like a Queen." Venus peeks at me and pins a compliment when I'm almost ready. It took her good two hours to return to her normal state of mind.

"Absolutely stunning. I'm fascinated by your lips. They have such a nice form and are so full." Jersey drawls out, flickering with the lip gloss in front of my eyes.

I hate my lips. They look as if bees stung them.

"Thanks." I flash him a shy smile, meeting Venus' tired face.

"Venus, can you please bring me my valerian pills?" I motion my arm to the table after glancing at the clock, realizing that the time slips through my fingers fast and soon we will have to set off.

"Sure." She puts the little box in my hand and I throw a few pills in my mouth at one shot, pushing them down with the mouthful of water.

It's time to tame the nerves before they awaken and tame me.

Jersey gives me a frightened look and Venus just shrugs, already used to my inclinations.

Venus finishes cleaning and gathering all the stuff in the house before her parents return to observe the sight and sighs in relief.

"Hurry up," she encourages Jersey with a gentle pat on his back.

We then settle in Jersey's car as not I nor Venus owns our own transport and move to our school thirty minutes before the event begins.