IT was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when the twins got back to the apartment.  After lunch, Astrid was able to sign a contract for his participation in the music video.  The pay was also pretty generous – 25,000 star coins.  For a newcomer who would only appear in a three minute or something music video, that amount was already good.  Astrid was very satisfied with that amount.

He sat down on the couch and checked his bank account on his Terminal.  The 25,000 star coins were already there.  Well, they're certainly fast.

It probably had something to do with Miria's agent wanting to recruit him to Kaleido.  Remembering that, he couldn't help but wince a bit.  When they finished eating and was about to leave, the agent took that opportunity to convince him how good it would be if he joined Kaleido.
