IN the Silverlight Cinema – the biggest cinema in the capital star with about 30 theaters – a movie premier was being held. It's in one of the theaters that offered the 5D version of the movie. 

Movie premiers were usually held in 5D theaters. Because the invited media had to see the reaction of the audience in real-time to write their articles and stuff. They couldn't exactly have that in VR theaters. 

The movie premier happening right now was that of [The Sleeping God] – the newest movie made by Daniel Trevane. Because of the director's fame, as well as most of the cast being in the top 100 of the current Star List, the movie was receiving a lot of attention. 

Last week, the official [Cybernet] account of [The Sleeping God] released a raffle in which 100 winners would be randomly selected. These winners would be invited to the premier. And now they're here, sitting excitedly on their seats.