AT the same time, there was another person feeling bothered by the comments on the live broadcast. It was none other than Reas. 

He and Ash were in the cafeteria to eat lunch. After their morning class ended, they quickly went here and both opened their Terminals to watch [Fieldtrip]'s live broadcast.

What they saw after clicking the live broadcast link was the three – Astrid, Lauren, and Miria – selling fish. Or rather, Astrid and Miria were attracting people's attention by their song while Lauren did all the sales talk. This was probably the second task after that first fishing task.

At first, Reas was only enjoying his brother's guitar playing. After all, it had been quite a while since he last heard it. But when he heard Lauren's sales talk, he couldn't stop his browse from furrowing. 

[Why are you selling those as if you're seducing people?] – Reas silently grumbled in his mind.