ONCE Wulfric recovered from the sight of Aster wearing that swim wear as if it was a second skin. He realized that he wasn't the only one who saw that. Hundreds of thousands of people also did. At that realization, his stomach started to churn due to anger.

But as fast as that anger appeared, it also died down pretty quickly. Miraculously enough, his brain cells worked quickly and his logic forcefully made him calm down. 

There's no use getting angry at something that couldn't be helped. He had to keep in mind that this was Aster's job. If he continued to rage about this, he might end up doing something that Aster would hate. That didn't mean he like it though.

But what's the use of that? He would probably die of anger if he focused on the things that made him angry. And he had a feeling that there would be too much anger in his foreseeable future. So, it's better to learn to be calm now. Although that would probably take too much time and effort to do so.