FIONA GREENWOOD or most commonly known by her pen name – One Leaf – stared at the teenager sitting at the seat opposite her. When she said earlier that the other resembled 'Jace', she wasn't joking. It truly felt like Astrid was her character incarnate. 

It's not just his appearance. The way he moved and talked, the atmosphere around him, it was very much like her 'Jace'. To think that there would come a day when she would actually experience something like this. It's like a dream for a writer like her.

Because of this, she couldn't help but think of the offer made by a certain director to her just a few days ago. Her first reaction to that was rejection. She didn't even meet with the director. Her agent kept on convincing her that agreeing to this project would be a good move for her career. But she still stubbornly said 'no'.